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Everything posted by nanite22

  1. Try sensitivities between 20 and 30 cm and see what you like. If you mostly use wrist but you don't want to be full wrist try 28 cm/360 i think it's a good sens to train. Now that i gave you numbers let me tell you the facts. I played as high as 25 cm and as low as 50 cm and i can aim on both. the sens i stuck with was 40 cm (personal preference). My steam name is glitch i play kovaaks and i'm top 20 in most tracking maps i play so i know a little bit about aiming i guess. Here's what i recommend. Pick a sens like 28 cm which in overwatch it's prob 6 (800 DPI) if i remember and stick with it and play. There is no perfect sens it's all training and mouse control. However if you don't train all aspects of aiming (tracking, click timing with wrist, arm, and fingers) you'll never reach your full potential. So pick a sens and play close long strafes invincible, close fast strafes invincible, 1 wall 6 targets TE i think it's called, Vertical Long Strafes, and test your aim in a scenario called Ground Plaza which will test every aspect of your tracking and give you a guide line to where you stack up against everybody else.
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