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Pyroxia last won the day on August 16 2021

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    I'm from Turkey(HELP!)
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    FPS games-RPG games Why you stalking me? I'm noob.

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  1. Game Update Request Name:Witcher 3 Details: Can you update senstivitiy settings with Fov mod. Currently fov is locked to 60 and there is no option for calculate sens for modded fov. Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/8470 (Next Gen Edition) FOV Tweak
  2. Update requets! Name: Squad Can you also add Tukish land forces scopes please ^^
  3. SET rawMouseAccelerationEnable "0" also adding this command to config.WTF inside battle.net/WoW file fixes the mouse acceleration. Can you check sensitivity with theese options please @DPI Wizard
  4. there is a way for applying raw input in wow and also it stops freezing camera problem on fast swipes. I'm writing the method down below it fixed my freezing camera in fast swipes problem. also can be updated for raw input in calculator ^^ There is a config CVar "rawMouseEnable" we could test here. To check if it's enabled type or copy - then ctrl + v this into a chat box. /script print(GetCVar("rawMouseEnable")) That will show a single 0 if off or a 1 if on. Now to enable it use: /script SetCVar("rawMouseEnable", 1); To double check that the script worked go to the Wow folder > WTF - look for the Config file. Open with notepad. This should be at the bottom of CVar list: SET rawMouseEnable "1" (Alternately you could just add that setting using notepad exactly as it is here. Copy/Paste would be your friend - I have it enabled that is my copy paste)
  5. When I stop using any percentage match from windows to game I became better at both osu league of legends and FPS games. I use %0MDV for every fov. and 6/11 1600 DPI on windows. My jumps are improved hell a lot in osu.
  6. update would be awesome since you can set your ADS fov too in game.
  7. Thank you so much wizard.
  8. Sorry for necroing but I sensitivity formula used in bo3 is really confusing. Looks like thermal scope exactly using %0 mdv since both hipfire and scope sens are same (correct me if I'm wrong) I understand there is no ads slider but which I heard some scopes are not using focal length scaling. I totally avoid using anything different than focal length since it brokes my aim for other games that I play. (It really impacts my aim huge) so I just want to ask can you add some more scopes like thermal scope so we can check which one is using which Monitor Distance percentage @DPI Wizard that would be so cool. Cuz sniping in this game is hella fun compared to other shooters. Atleast reflex sight, locus default scope,recon scope and elo would be crazy good. Thank you anyways wizard.
  9. Thanks a lot for answer.
  10. @TheNoobPoliceI need your advice. Well If I want to play bf4 with 105 vFov and wanna play valorant. Should I stick dynamic for ads and scope and 360 distance for hipfire or dynamic for hipfire too?
  11. Nvm
  12. well I want to keep this thread live. Because it's really usefull so I'm commenting. If really there is a way for this I really wan't to see this method integrated with m-s.com calculator.
  13. So when transferring sensitivity from windows to game setting horizontal to %100mdh from windows and setting vertical to %100mdv from windows is the most correct way am I right? Because when I match both axis with %100mdh it doesnt feel natural but with that method I feel my sens is natural.
  14. I dont know I'm using raw accel
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