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Everything posted by randomguy7

  1. Use windows or osu! and all monitor distance vertical 0%
  2. Not really. It just feels great. Boosted my ktd too.
  3. 200 for a total of 17.45 inches ler 360 after calculations feels top smooth to be placebo since that dpi is trash
  4. You gotta calculate the degrees you turn with one pixel for say 120 fov, then divide that by 360 and invert to find the number of counts you would need for that, and divide the total counts needed your dpi to find your inches per 360. Its just easier for me to aim, one pixel at a time
  5. I only use degrees to measure how much i would need to move a single pixel in one count, and how many inches a full 360 would be at a count per inch.
  6. I only use center, and i am very sensitive to direct pixel by pixel movements because muh autisms. But thanks- its a "middleman calculation" for sure. I made that phrase up, but it fits well. It isnt stupid if it works.
  7. Use vertical scaling it's more fov/scaling agnostic
  8. I did a video about a reddit post from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/5wn3dg/elige_explains_pixel_skipping_and_turns_out_its/debe51b Here's the video. I'd love it for this site to add this feature! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7EICVElyEs&feature=youtu.be
  9. 360 noscope arena!!
  10. could you do Dead Trigger 2 on facebook gameroom?
  11. Vengeance! https://store.steampowered.com/app/384960/Vengeance/
  12. Is it possible to add this? Also, I was wondering if you could add F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin and Modern Combat Versus (steam).
  13. I know I'm not the only one that uses this website when in-game. at least make the website iphone friendly.
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