so to find your monitor's coefiicient, you need to divide its horizontal resolution in pixels by its vertical resolution. This will find you 100% of your horizontal distance match. For a perfectly square in the middle match, divide, say, 1080 by 1080 instead of 1920x1080. that will be a 100% coefficient. To find the center focal point instead, well- that's not a percentage. That's a 0% coefficient. Most engines are based on a time where fullscreen was the norm- so for that you divide 4:3 aspect ratio to get 133, which is the default for most games based on legacy code, like Battlefield and Call of Duty, who have standardized the measurement. You will notice that viewspeed vertical is the same as 133%. The reason of this is unknown to me, since they are different methods of calculation, but maybe someone else can say.
Not even a single pixel is small enough to describe the infinitely sm all VANISHING POINT- the centermost point of the perspective of an image with depth, which was discovedered in the renaissance. Right in the center. A 0% coefficient means every degree you move is the same distance away from each other. I would describe this as "linear". 0% is better for muscle memory.
"The concept of the vanishing point was first introduced by the Italian humanist polymath and architect Leon Battista Alberti in his treatise on perspective in art, "De pictura," written in 1435." DuckDuckGo's DuckAssist AI (LLM)