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Everything posted by Finnbiff

  1. Name: V Rising Website: https://playvrising.com/ Status: Early Access Release date: 17.05.2022 Availability: Purchase There are no sliders in the game, but you can change the turnrate at some degree in the .ini file. Ref:
  2. Thanks!
  3. Dunno if it was a bug, but changing to DirectX12 and restarting somehow fixed it
  4. Its seems like the sensitivity/fov will be a bit off, if you change the FoV in the Video.scr file C:\Users\username\Documents\DyingLight\out\settings At 29 fov, it might seem like the calculatior is off. Cant put my finger on it. But either the FoV or sensitivity is not correct
  5. Hi! For some reason the aim feels a bit off (Might be the whole 3rd person thingy). Is the FOV calculated at max or minimum character zoom?
  6. PLAYERUNKNOWN, please add it oh great DPI WIzard! Thanks!
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