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  1. I had got kovaaks not too long ago and i went onto this website to convert from apex to kovaaks. Kovaaks has different settings to convert from different games such as fortnite, apex, and overwtch, but if I match the 360 distance with monitor distance at 0% this website is saying that my fov in kovaaks (despite being on the apex setting) should be 102.725. So I scrathced my head and used that fov in kovaaks thinking that kovaaks must have it wrong. Well after a 2 week break from apex and playing nothing but kovaaks i logged onto apex today to find out that my feels like shit in apex. So who has the fov problem? Kovaaks or mousesensitivity.com? I have since then switched my fov in kovaaks to 102 (matching my apex fov without using this website) and now im not so sure who to trust. What should I do?
  2. I don't think your calculator supports the kraber in titanfall 2 and i would really appreciate it if it would I dont think that the dmr and the kraber have the same scope
  3. In csgo you can change your viewmodel fov which changes how much you can see your weapon, arms, and hands. But after some testing I found out that this does not change your actual fov at all. So I'm confused that when I put 91 (horizontal/ 60 vertical) my sensitivity is 1.5 (converting from apex legends at 103 horizontal fov and 1.5 sens) my csgo sensitivity is 1.5, but if I use 100 horizantal fov (which is max bc max view model fov in cs is 68 vertical) my cs sens accoring to your calculator is 1.35. So why does the sens change if the fov is not changing?
  4. I used the calculator to convert my apex legends sensitivity of 1.5 (hipfire) to the 5 modern warfare (hipfire). And i used an ads multiplier of 1 in apex legends which converts to an ads multiplier of .77 in modern warfare. A mouse sensitivity of 5 (hipfire) and a multiplier of 1 in modern warfare converts to 1.3 in apex legends. But when i go to calculate hipfire sens to ads sens on their respective games it says that both games would use an ads multiplier of 1. This is confusing to me because according to your calculator they have the same hip-fire sens, so why do they have different ads sensitivities?
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