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  1. sry i dont understand this. I know that 5.6 is higher.. but i need some more speed for the building. So 2.8 will be to low. So im trying to get my: Targeting sens and my scope sens to be the same and at the same as 0.33 in valorant. If you understand me
  2. scooped in valorant is 1.00 . so no multiplier. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=7ce622d517cdd01440f556fdadacefa7 here is the link ty
  3. Hi. Im not sure i understand the sens converter fully. I have 0.33 in valorant and i want the sniper and assault rifle to be the same. I also know about what sens i want in like normal build and aim. So is this correct then? VALO: 0.33 FORT: 5.6 - 43 - 41.5 X/y - assault - sniper The assault, sniper and the valorant aim will then be the same? Should i never use the targeting - general? Thanks for the help
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