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fortunate reee

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Everything posted by fortunate reee

  1. any will work there should be a recent f2p one on steam
  2. mainly mentioned quake since it is far easier to actually build up skill with quick respawns and decent aim as long as you match the 2 games you should be fine
  3. sharing experience is a great thing happy to work with others
  4. should be fine for that cause if you struggle with movement and or cant get used to 0% after a while try these , you can replace 100% with 0% and try out
  5. if you own that game already that would be an option , really unsure if, there are players still on that game these days buying older cod games is not worth it most of the time since they are pretty much dead due to activision and their publishing
  6. this last cod is a straight mess the gun play is really great but the maps aren't arena shooters are great for aim training since it is only aiming (x and y axis ) you can play previous cod just make sure to match your sense properly
  7. mac os has a different acceleration curve than windows (as far as i am aware) should be able to make them both linear through settings
  8. your calculations make sense tho so the part where they feel wrong id recommend using another method (or lowering your windows pointer speed)
  9. that depends on the method fov doesnt matter for 360 distance
  10. viewspeed ? wouldnt 100% hor or 0% be a better choice
  11. i set mine to 1 in game for the closest possible value, btw set your fov to 73.740000 in your config file and set it to read only once you are done (most be done with the game closed)
  12. Name: Project-A Website: https://www.riotgames.com/en/project-a Statues : na Release date: na (2020) Availability: hope you keep an eye on it
  13. fov doesn't if you use 0% ,res however does affect your calc . the issue you are describing somewhat reminds me of the issues/ gameplay mechanics used in tarkov (armor / weapon weight impacts sensitivity ) or something that was pretty much my reason for never playing that game should try different weapons/ armor / no armor one should feel good
  14. your resolution isn't the same in those games that can mess with aim / the 360 method is far from perfect
  15. you have to figure out the scaling the game you main uses (battlefield 4 uniform soldier aiming is either 75%/ 100% monitor distance so using those for scope might get you closer to your values ) !match your hipfire fov ! i prefer using 0% vertical for the most uniformity between games the section shown in the pic is your friend others use 360 for hipfire and either {75/100% horizontal =133/178% vertical } to match this works but not as ideal as 0% does there are plenty of threads on this forum that can help you figure out how to use the calc to its fullest
  16. not correct ,really depends on the map you use and gives you plenty of customization options once you get to know the game if you use a map that is not purely horizontal spawns there is no difference to an aim trainer. although it really depends if your primary game has movement based or movement restrictive fps mechanics
  17. any arena shooter with quick respawn looking at quake etc
  18. if you use 0% you should be alright there is even some variable zoom maps / scripts one can run to actively change the zoom level of the game to accomplish better aim
  19. might be the fov difference, btw how do they manage to still not get that publishing done properly with 20 bazillion different versions in 2019 their naming scheme is worse than LG and their random numbers/ ciphers
  20. i am a firm believer in the whole medium to low fov thing since it means bigger targets and less fish eye (should still work fine on 90/ 100 hor fov since you hardly even flick those distances , you are not instantly turning into shroud by playing for a short time it takes a while and some never reach that level of consistency , also that mode you are playing isnt great for improving gun skill since it rewards corner camping and just holding angles etc , ideally youd play bot modes and train your brain that way or go for 2v2 3v3 modes on tournament style maps elim/bomb modes are great too since you get fixed spawns
  21. destiny 2 has a really scuffed input fov , also has bullet magnetism so kind of sucks all of the skill out of a player
  22. there is a couple of programs helping with uniform accel ,however some games block it due to anticheat reasons and without those programs it is nearly impossible to get a uniform sense going with accel thus only few use it
  23. gave it another try and must say it it pretty decent @TGGE might be worth trying
  24. just curious about his setup since i didnt like it much when i used it , always trying to learn
  25. what dpi / wps do you use with that i keep getting plenty of discrepancy on some games
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