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fortunate reee

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Everything posted by fortunate reee

  1. 0% scales with fov so depending on your setup certain scopes can be significantly faster/ slower than others (especially when going from 110 fov to 80 ish) that sound pretty typical for a fortnite conversion
  2. you got it set up like this? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=6c51e2fadd16e157f8798029ee0fe057 with a fov this different it will be difficult getting those games to properly fit (fortnites lack of a fov slider makes it a bad game to go to)
  3. the ingame fov slider is not as accurate as the config file method (so if you are used to the in game value , you need to match apex ingame to whatever game you want to play ) in game 90 config // actual 90 you need to match your fov almost perfectly to retain most of your "learned aim and movement " at least when matching 360 distance for hipfire so that might be the cause of those issues in your case youd just set the Location to "in game " and enter your values / fov hipfire / ads into the calc and then youd match it like this
  4. both? ( you can prety much take what i sent you and just adapt it to your fav fov / game etcetc )
  5. instructions in depth // conversion the links above have some reading you can do if you feel like it https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=5a5f472da2503a05b6539f6964a7cd55 ^this is my current setup i just change the game i want to play and use the values provided in theory you might be able to just adapt this to your preference ( make sure to match hipfire field of view, in order to maintain the same rotation distance for better movement ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getting used to 0% might take a while but it is worth it
  6. csgo defaults to 90 horizontal ( 73.74 vdeg) and you can only change that when playing on servers with cheats enabled this would usually look something like this https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=56bf46a165260ed9133688f698cc3554
  7. have you verified that you have these options in game ?
  8. should match hipfire fov to match overwatch 1.237600
  9. dpi wizard has already answered the questions pretty much how i would have, just here to show you my personal setup im currently using 2d to 3d with 0% and after having gotten used to it i have gotten surprisingly consistent (desktop/ everything = aim training) i previously alternated between 360 hip 0% ads/scope and other options i exclusively ue auto fov for hipfire because my movement gets really horrible if i don't match it across games with 0% ( not an issue with 360 dist but my hipfire flicks are on point with 0% so that is worth the need to match fov ) a great thing is definitely not sticking to 400 800 dpi at 6 pointer speed because "pros use it "
  10. 1. use auto fov and match the exact fov ( set it to something reasonable // high is not better all the time ) 2 if you got the exact same fov that wont matter i stick to 0% regardless these days (mainly because i go from windows to games) 3 its not recommended it is just the default used using 0% makes more sense (the most uniform ) 4 gradual makes the most sense when using 0%, since it scales your sense as you scope in (or any kind of scaling , u.s.a/0% etc ) 5 those aren't options to 99 % of players it is relative all the way ,( to anyone that doesnt know what legacy is about best to ignore )
  11. matching hipfire fov is always a good move , to get 0.8 you just set scale to 80 that should be as close to perfect as it gets
  12. yes apex uses 0.0000 scaling
  13. auto fov makes sure that the fov is exactly the right value across all games so you dont have to worry 73.74 vdeg is exactly what csgo uses so you should be fine
  14. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=723e03dc804cd2c6713619e2b4fd9716 this (make sure to match fov )
  15. use the auto fov function and set it to 73.74 vdeg and you dont have to worry about it , there is little reason to go above (16;9 90) since raising that just lowers the enemies size and thus is hardly worth the needless boost in peripheral vision
  16. did you check the link i posted you have to change call of duties default ads scaling to 0 instead of 1,3333 if you have cod set up like this the ads should feel identical to apex at 1.0
  17. 360 is not a valid too for matching scopes if you want apex like scopes you want to set your setup close to this https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=22e50414ca75530558f1e2f0f5ea4a49 match your fov to make sure that everything feel "the same "
  18. @DPI Wizard might want to yeet him
  19. instructions in depth // conversion
  20. great job on reading half of my post , now read the otherpart (regarding the scopes )and try that keep those hipfire options in the back of your mind
  21. ngl this had me laughing for a second
  22. you should mostly ignore 360 distance and focus on actual feel this will be helpfull especially in the higher zoom levels https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=247e2e120b8cf45ebe5bbe9f12a331c4 ^this above matches hipfire 360 distance for hipfire (not perfect since fov doesn't seem to go above 103) and 133.3333 vertical monitor distance for ads and scopes (1.0 in csgo) the hipfire match with the different fov is difficult so you could try either stick to 360distance / 100% horizontal or 0% (vert / hor doesnt matter )
  23. hipfire either 0% or 360distance set ads /scope monitor distance to 133.333333333 vertical (1.0 ads in csgo) match fov to 73.74 vdeg (auto fov) set warzone to stretched res 4;3 (since you play stretched in csgo )
  24. it depends if you got apex on 90 in game and not actual 90 there is a slight difference ( id recommend making sure you got the right value in the config file i like using 73.74 vdeg since that number is easy to memorize and it is exactly 4;3 90 / 16;9 106.26 ( really doesnt matter what fov type you select for auto fov ,as long as you verify that hor and vertical fov stay identical across the games you play ) in theory auto fov should work close to flawless although id keep an eye on it just for sure ( it is far easier than manually typing in the right fov number each time you want to calculate anything ) apex 90 Actual VFOV: 73.021112 degrees Actual HFOV: 105.538882 degrees actual 90 Config FOV: cl_fovScale "1.285717" Actual VFOV: 73.739978 degrees Actual HFOV: 106.260387 degrees there is a small difference id highly recommend you change that in the settings file for the sake of uniformity
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