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fortunate reee

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Everything posted by fortunate reee

  1. change the auto fov to match your battlefield fov make sure fov is set to affected (under the fov option in game)
  2. or buy the 1 x purchase instead of your next ea/ activision game far better investment
  3. pretty much self explanatory but yes that is how that goes
  4. i crossed that out since most of it doesn't apply to you since you are on stretch ideally play 16;9 and just stick to csgo 90 fov since a number that low is pretty uniform and usable in most games whilst lower values can be achieved by using black bars
  5. for hipfire between csgo and valorant id recommend reading up on this thread it offers a nice method to match the perceived sense by matching focal length with black bars (custom res in valorant ) basically makes sure you can use the same 360 distance for hipfire without getting impacted by the different fov saw you are using stretched cant help you with that (it aint the play if you dont 1 trick that game btw )
  6. 133.33%vertical 100% mdh would be other games like destiny 2 / valorant etc also no idea where you picked this one up " MDH 100% would be the most natural thing to do since it will give you similar sens ratio with other FOVs and res" since that objectively spoken not correct
  7. read that article again, what you are describing is the fast lane to vsync level input lag since there is no noticeable down sight to using gsync when it is set up correctly, id even use gsync but then limit my fps to 150 on my 240 hz screen to have stable frame times with gsync enabled in case there is an explosion or something else that causes my frames to dip for a second ( causing input lag ) its the most uniform choice out there with nvidia low latency on (not ultra cause ultra causes lag spikes ) and either the in game fps limiter if a game has a decent one or rtss ( i prefer that one )
  8. you don't have to stick to 400 dpi if you want to use slow sense i like you can also look up psa method on yt (there is good and bad videos )
  9. this conversion seemed to work flawlessly the last time i used it guess it would be worth revisiting if it isnt working for you
  10. ? this has been available for some time now
  11. fps osu is the better choice when it comes to fps players you still face the challenge of having 2 different fov settings id stick to 90fov for (csgo) and fposu and then black bars focal length the 103 fov games that would work as far as aim goes (the focal length thread is pinned in the forum )
  12. if you know the approximate distance there shouldn't be an issue as long as they have better scope options soon that should pay off
  13. if your main game is csgo and you have years of aim experience at 1.0 there is little reason to swap especially since most games these days offer 133 as a scaling option (battlefield / cod/ apex with per scope sliders ) so there isn't a straight up disadvantage
  14. use auto fov match it at 103 and use 0%/ 360 for hipfire then 0% for ads
  15. matching stretched doesn't work well unless the game allows for stretched res ( not sure if valorant does do stretched + blackbars ) that method usually work well with 16;9 native at 90 csgo fov to 103 (overwatch valorant ) black bars could try one of my biggest reason not to play stretched anymore was the absolute shitshow that is matching stretched to anything but cs/ r6 was when you dont exclusively play 1 game sticking to native res is meta since your aim improves drastically
  16. the focal length black bars method might have went under your radar it is actually pretty nice for that exact case
  17. if you match the hipfire fov across all games you play it doesn't matter if you use 360 or 0% since it will likely result in a similar / almost identical experience i prefer matching 360 distance + fov for hip and 0% for ads scope that seem to work the most consistent for me but obviously not every human organism works the same
  18. personally not getting my hopes up until i see it in the patchnotes
  19. both setup had both hipfire and ads converted also i read that part and got slightly triggered by that part gimme a sec and ill do 35 the first setup option with the 0% match is still a viable option btw ( and id be using this if i was you) this would be the other not recommendable option https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=067c7cbc016aa63ddb229c198b929320
  20. what you are referring to isnt 1;1 it is 360 distance for ads which is pretty far away from being actual 1;1 it is just something pro players picked up and never actually thought about because copying a simple value is easier than actual research ^read the instructions if you want to under stand that part fov does affect perceived speed ( the reason why xfactor aiming 1.0 + 100ads = giving all scopes same 360 distance isn't a viable method ) and you should match it ,for your hipfire 360 distance to feel identical across games (hipfire is the only value where matching 360 is actually viable ) https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=77896b7c6ebfa0a295288b4eb89faa6a a typical setup would look something like this that will give you the same hipfire and match ads across all scope / fov options (gradually slower the tinier the scope fov ) siege doesn't offer multiple sliders you can read up on that part here https://r6fix.ubi.com/test-server/TTS-20721-Scope_sensitivity_needs_to_be_adjusted_per_scope__requires_separate_sliders_for_1x__ACOG__and_Kali_s_two_scope_magnifications_ https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=daa7b3e2f9e2ba5a33f1a90e50be6516 this is similar to what you are asking for and i would not use this under any circumstances
  21. the fov type setting isnt really anything you have to touch unless you want to manually match fov between games , these days using auto fov is generally the easier choice before we had this option you would have had to manually swap your fov type to a fov type you know the number for ie csgo 73.74 vdeg = 90 then youd have changed the games fov type in the calculator to vdeg and typed in 73.74 then changed it back to what it was originally ment to show and youd have had the number you needed
  22. usa is just a name given to scope scaling with a set value / fov by the battlefield devs over the time the values used changed a bit since they were initially based on 4;3 screens and calculated like this 4:3 = 1.3333333 later it changed to 16:9 = 1.777777777 ( 1.78 rounded) or 133.33% / 177.78% vertical monitor distance these days plenty of users stick to 133 instead of 177(178) because they prefer 133 even on a 16;9 screen 0% is an alternative that has insane tracking performance and is generally recommended ( going into depth would extend this thread a bit too much i generally recommend reading up the respective instruction/ technical discussion threads)
  23. if you want to do it the ideal way youd set up a black bars resolution for overwatch and valorant then match the 360 distance ( https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forums/topic/4704-conversion-method-guide-and-other-faqs/?tab=comments#comment-18180 the part about focal length blackbars) then match them all at 133.33% vertical monitor distance for ads and scoep coming from csgo ( you might have to hot swap values in valorant for the time until they introduce more scaling options since they use 100% hor ) you should mostly stick to the 1 game you feel confident in as your source or windows depending on what you do
  24. i forgot to set this tp the right fov ( doesnt impact overwatch but will if you want to change it to other games just put in 103 hdeg res in the setup then you should be safe no matter what
  25. uniform soldier aiming is not just a use / don't use option and you should definitely be using it ( after having changed the multiplier) depending on the game battlefield uses a scaling of 178%vert or 133%vert ( its usa multiplier of 1.3333 or 1.7777778 ) a similar thing goes for cod it either uses 0% scaling or / 133% vert csgo (133% vert) apex legends (0%vert/hor ) destiny (100% hor) my whole point in listing all these more or less decent values in my previous post was for you to be able to test those out within the calculator in order to find a scaled sense that actually works for you so , that you don't run into the issue you are facing with that 83 ads value of yours that is neither a good choice nor an effective way at getting better with all scopes / zoom levels . this would end up looking something like this or this and would roughly translate into a setup like this https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=1e3e84590b18ec47543e1b4664544d0a this makes sure you are using the same fov across games so, that your hipfire doesn't get screwed up whilst using 360 distance match the different fov across the guns/ scopes you use explain why 360distance (83 ads doesn't work) if you are looking for something fast id try 100% horizontal since it is not slow and also useable across most games you play today \ https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=bb1836f5d8016872d97377e119b27f0c ( the best choice in your case would be to simply find your own useable settings and get used to them instead of trying to replicate 83) getting used to 0% for ads / scope at a better dpi setting might as well be worth a try
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