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Everything posted by atomic

  1. ye its just rly bad i guess its just the game seems like a cinematic camera or smth. but still thanks for the help
  2. sadly there is still this weird camera delay when moveing my mouse around idk if its just that game or some settings
  3. No was absolutely my fault, had to change keybinds first then something is displayed in the folder. before that apparently not sorry.
  4. why is my folder empty? are you sure you on Ascended not on evolved?
  5. dosnt work that way, it gets deleted if i put it into D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ARK Survival Ascended\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Windows/Input and there is this weird camera delay ingame when moveing my mouse any fix for that ?
  6. Do you have to disable Mouse Smoothing in Ark Ascended, as in Ark SE, or is this no longer necessary?
  7. is there any Mouse Smoothing like in Ark SE to disable ?
  8. I need to set the File to read only after right ? cuz it always gets deleted after i save my ingame settings
  9. HI, there are 2 bEnableMouseSmoothing=False in Ark folders. Now my question which one i need to disable/add to the files ? [/Script/Engine.InputSettings] bEnableMouseSmoothing=False to the config file [GAME FOLDER]\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Input.ini. like the Site is saying or. D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ARK\Engine\Config/BaseInput or D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\CleanSourceConfigs/Input there are just to many so only adding this [/Script/Engine.InputSettings] bEnableMouseSmoothing=False to the config file [GAME FOLDER]\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Input.ini or do i need to disable the other 2 aswell?
  10. Is it even useful to disblend Mouse Smoothing in Ark because so far I only noticed that the Scope sens just gets faster.
  11. why is the LookLeftRightSensitivity=0.241396, LookUpDownSensitivity=0.344851 different now? 1week ago it was the same ? did Wildcard change smth or is it a bug from the calculator ?
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