If you don't want to read the entire thing, then you can skip to the red coloured text as those are my questions.
These images show what I have entered in the input boxes. Below these images are my configs for the two games coloured in green. If there's something I entered wrongly, please correct me!
Converting hipfire sensitivity:
Converting Team Fortress Classic sniper zoomed to CSGO Zoomed 1x:
Okay so I'm quite confused on what I should do. Let me start with a simple question for CSGO.
I've searched around and I'm not sure what I should input for FOV as some people said that 1920x1080 16:9 fov is 90 while some say it is 106.26. My native resolution is 1920x1080, same for CSGO fullscreen mode.
CSGO configs:
-Fullscreen 1920x1080 16:9
-Sensitivity to be calculated but right now at 2.8
-zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse to be calculated but right now at 1
-m_rawinput 1
-m_customaccel 0
-fov_cs_debug 0 (console shows 0, not 90)
-m_yaw 0.022
-Should I choose Hdeg 4:3, Hdeg Res or Vdeg?
-What do I put in the FOV input box? 90 or 106.26? (in console, fov_cs_debug is 0)
Team Fortress Classic on the other hand, uses GoldSrc and can be closely related to Half-Life 1 or CS 1.6. I'm not sure about Day of Defeat though...
Team Fortress Classic configs:
-Fullscreen 1920x1080 16:9
-sensitivity 2.8
-zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1
-fov 0 (console gives output 0 upon entering "fov")
-********default_fov 120**********
-m_yaw 0.022
Notice I highlighted default_fov 120. I tried testing it out in the game and I realised that fov and default fov seem to affect one another. For e.g.
(keeping sensitivity at 2.8 constant)
if default_fov 150, fov 120, my fov APPEARS 120 but my sensitivity feels very very slow.
if default_fov 10, fov 120, my fov APPEARS 120 but my sensitivity feels very very fast.
However, I realised that default_fov is what affects the sensitivity and fov is what affects the visual FOV i.e the fov of what my eyes see on the screen.
Also, when my default_fov is 150 and my fov is 0, it seems to show the actual visual FOV of 150 (sensitivity feels slow) and when default_fov is 10 and fov is still 0, it will show the actual visual FOV of 10 (sensitivity feels fast)
But here's the thing:
-I'm not sure if the default_fov in the converter from TFC to CSGO is set to a fixed 90, or whether it is free to change via the fov input box.
-Is the FOV input box suppose to correspond to the "fov" command? or "default_fov" command? (my "default_fov" is 120 and "fov" is 0)
Now, to convert for the zoom. Like I said before, "fov" is what shows the visual FOV and not "default_fov". Since the converter did not account for the fov when zooming in, I went to find it out myself and apparently, when zoomed in, default_fov remains at my 120, but entering "fov" in console gives an output of "20". I said before that I'm not sure whether the fov input box in this converter corresponds to "default_fov" or "fov" so I just put in the value of "20"
The given result was:
Sensitivity 1:
sensitivity "3.261131"
Multiplier 1:
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.323407"
360° distance:
87.274 inches
Discrepancy: 0.0001% (0.0001 inches)
Config FOV:
fov_cs_debug 90
Actual VFOV:
30.54 degrees
Actual HFOV:
51.77 degrees
-But that's kinda weird because my zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse is so low? What I had was 1! So, what's wrong?
-And here's the question again: When zoomed in(Team Fortress Classic sniper weapon), if my default_fov is 120 and fov is 20, do I enter 20 or 120 in the fov input box?
I'm sorry if this post is really long and I thank you for taking your time to read. I hope someone can enlighten me on what I should do for an accurate conversion.