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  1. Ah I see, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
  2. Hello, I'm wondering if there's a simple way for me to specify "X"cm = distance to edge of screen? Either by using the calculator or a math formula? Currently I can express "X"cm to do a 360 or 180 but I'm not sure if sensitivity scales linearly with different FOVs
  3. Thank you for the timely fix! I have marked this as the solution
  4. Hmm, I believe that my WPS setting is set to the one you have mentioned? (Though I'm not sure there is a way to change the sensitivity without turning raw input on - maybe through config files?) I have attached some screenshots of the behaviour I am describing, even with what I believe to be the default WPS 10 (6/11)
  5. I have recently stumbled upon Jedi's Trick and it looks promising for converting sensitivities between 3d and 2d games via minimising error over all monitor matching distances. I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional, however, whenever I change the raw input setting for converting from a 3d game to "osu!" whilst using Jedi's Trick, the mousespeed/sensitivity changes despite the value not changing for any other conversion methods.
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