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JTF195 last won the day on March 1 2021

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  1. Starting with the Dragonflight expansion, there is a new FOV slider in the video options. Minimum is 50 and max is 90.
  2. I actually found a much simpler mod that allows changing FOV and camera settings without all the extra stuff: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/romenh/RenderSettings/ Might want to update the link in the calculator to point at that instead of Valheim+
  3. The ValheimPlus mod unlocks the FoV and makes it configurable in the associated config file https://github.com/valheimPlus/ValheimPlus Can you double-check if this affects the mouse sensitivity calculation?
  4. Name: Labyrinthine Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1302240/Labyrinthine/ Status: Early Access Release Date: Oct 28, 2020 Availability: $10
  5. Name: Halo 2 PC + Halo 2: Project CartographerWebsite: https://www.halo2.online/Status: Released / BetaRelease date: Halo 2 PC came out in 2007. Development of Project Cartographer is ongoingAvailability: Halo 2 PC is hard to find. Project Cartographer is free if you own the base game. The original release of Halo 2 PC has a 1-10 sensitivity scale similar to Halo PC, but I'm not sure if the values are 1:1 identical Project Cartographer adds options for FoV and raw mouse input, and uses a separate (and very granular) sensitivity setting for raw input if enabled
  6. With the release of Shadowkeep, there's speculation that Bungie might have changed the way FOV works. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/CruciblePlaybook/comments/dcyqgz/did_fov_change_on_pc/
  7. Excellent! Thanks a ton
  8. Any news on whether or not this can be added?
  9. Could you add SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell? https://steamcommunity.com/app/457210/
  10. FOV can be adjusted via hex editing as well. The value is listed in the config file twice, so you have to edit both. If you use HxD, you can actually edit Sensitivity and FOV as float32 values directly, as long as you have the corresponding hex bytes highlighted:
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