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  1. @DPI WizardIt’s been 2019 now, please try again.
  2. Many thanks for your prompt reply. Have a nice day!
  3. @ DPI向导亲爱的,你能给我答复吗? Thank you very much
  4. @DPI向导 Hello ,Can you add 'battle royale trainer' in the calculator?it is a FPS game just like pubg. I’m not sure whether the fov and sensitivity are the same as pubg,if you can add this game, is it possible to match battle royale trainer to pubg? In pubg there isn’t any customerized mode, we can test the sensitivity in Csgo and convert to battle royale trainer and then run some tests and make the adjustment. If we can do this, I can use battle royale trainer to practice and test instead of wasting a lot of time in pubg. Looking forward to your response. Thank you~
  5. Who can help me?English is not my mother tongue...
  6. How can I adjust the sensitivity under different screen resolution? Hi everyone, I'm wondering how can I adjust the sensitivity precisely under different screen resolution and variou8s Aspect ratio? My display was 23.5 inch with a screen resolution of 2560x1080. I just bought a new display screen which is 25 inches with a screen resolution of 2560X1440. I realize the FOV in CSGO is different in these two screens. the 2560x1080 screen can show a wider view than the 2560x1440 one. The DPI for my mouse is 800 and the sensitivity in CSGO is 1.15. The recommended value from 360° and V2 is still 1.15, but the recommended value from monitor distance and V1 is 0.96 and 0.97 respectively. which convert mode should I use to calculate the sensitivity ? v2
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