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Tobias Bieri

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Tobias Bieri last won the day on June 24 2018

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  1. Not yet, but BF1 and V had the same settings. Maybe this will work again
  2. BF3 doesn`t use MDV, it has fixed multipliers. You can only match your sens to Hipfire or one ADS. I matched my sens to hipfire and created a script to DPI Shift when I ADS, that works pretty well.
  3. I really hope they add different multipliers for diffrent scopes. I just posted a request for this in the ea forum. If others do this as well, maybe we will get if. (I know this is a bit naive, but maybe worth a try)
  4. I dont think so, but why on earth would you want that?
  5. Set the „vertical mouse multiplier“ to 1, in the settings. All is good then
  6. That would be amazing!
  7. If anybody is interested, thats the Logitech script i came up with. You match 3 DPI Settings (ADS, Hipfire, 4x) so they get roughly the same sens in the calculator. Then create 3 Macros, but dont assign keys to them: (DPI Up, DPI Down and Default DPI). Then you create 3 DPI Settings, and set the middle one to Default. Now with this script, it switches to your higher DPI when you Aim if Numlock is off, and to your lower, when Numlock is on. Like this you can at least match 3 Senses with BF3. function OnEvent(event, arg, family) OutputLogMessage("event = %s, arg = %s\n", event, arg) if(event== "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED") then if(arg==2)then if IsKeyLockOn("numlock" )then PlayMacro ("DPI Down") end if IsKeyLockOn("numlock" )==false then PlayMacro ("DPI Up") end end end if(event== "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED") then if(arg==2)then PlayMacro ("Default DPI") end end end
  8. amazing! Any chance to get 8x or 7x? Im just working on a LUA script (change DPI when ADS) so i can actually match my senses
  9. In Pubg its off, ADS has always the same FOV. I think its better off, so you have more zoom when going into ads (if you have raised your FOV in the settings, which I recommend doing)
  10. Oh I see, thank you very much
  11. Does anyboy know what the FOV of the scopes in PUBG is? for example, which FOV does the 4x use?
  12. For me config 1 method doesnt work anymore. Do both, config 1 and 2, that fixed it for me
  13. They changed the name from "MouseSensitiveName" to "SensitiveName", maybe update that in the calculator. I don´t know if you´ve seen my other post, but i think this might be also important: "I was sure it (3x and 4x) was faster than before, and I figured out why. Usually I just adjusted the LastConverted Value and it worked fine. Like this: SensitiveName="Scope4X",Sensitivity=50.000000,LastConvertedSensitivity=0.010424But I had the impression it was way too fast. I adjusted now the "Sensitivity" value also and it is back to normal:SensitiveName="Scope4X",Sensitivity=35.849648,LastConvertedSensitivity=0.010424So it seems the game doesn´t just look at the LastConverted value anymore. Could it be possible to combine config file setting 1 and 2 in the calculator, so it just gives out the whole line, with both values included? " But amazing work with the calculator. I realized how much better I got since matching all my sensitivities when they suddenly were wrong again and I could't hit absolutely nothing
  14. I was sure it was faster, and I figured out why. Usually I just adjusted the LastConverted Value and it worked fine. Like this: SensitiveName="Scope4X",Sensitivity=50.000000,LastConvertedSensitivity=0.010424 But I had the impression it was way too fast. I adjusted now the sensitivity value also and it is back to normal: SensitiveName="Scope4X",Sensitivity=35.849648,LastConvertedSensitivity=0.010424 So it seems the game doesn´t just look at the LastConverted value anymore. Could it be possible to combine config file setting 1 and 2 in the calculator, so it just gives out the whole line, with both values included? Regards, Tobias
  15. So my sens is completely off in the test server. I noticed they changed MouseSensitiveName to SensitiveName. After filling in the old values, iron sight, red dot and 2x feel ok. 3x and 6x are too fast.
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