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Everything posted by xiaomantou

  1. You don't have to...many people use 4:3 because of they wanna win. In my case csgo have the true fov (with original monitor settings),this is why people always convert fov from csgo (|weapon fov and coordinates can be adjust without enable sv_cheat, I have no ideo...).If I will develop an fps game I will do the same as csgo.
  2. AVA : Dog Tag (Steam) Path : \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\A.V.A\avaGame\Config\ Sensitivity MouseSensitivityX= (0.000000) MouseSensitivityY= bMouseSyncSensitivity= (true/false) bEnableMouseSmoothing= (True/False) bUseRawMouseInput= (True/False) Changed video config setting and got black screen in match XD anyone know how to disable dynamic crosshair?
  3. %LOCALAPPDATA%\Saber\WWZ\client\storage\ config files are encrypted.very nice.....
  4. Path: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Survarium-Steam (Steam) Default FOV: fov ? | Horizontal Degrees FOV Notes: Can be set in-game or in config file.
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