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  1. Because I want to use mouse acceleration. I normally use a driver for this, but since it requires for the computer to be in test mode it is prohibited in ESEA. The only known alternative I know for mouse acceleration is the one offered in game. I tried using CS:GO integrated mouse acceleration but It felt rather inconsistent even with linear acceleration. I then found out that in the past the calculation were reliant on the frames making it rather inconsistent. I was wondering if this is still the case. Sorry for not being clear.
  2. I know mouse acceleration might not be popular here, but without getting into a is mouse accelertation good are bad, I was wondering if mouse acceleration is still affected by framerate (see issue here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Source-1-Games/issues/1126 ). I am wondering if it is still affected as valve has fixed the issues with m_rawinput.
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