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Rud's Achievements

  1. There is still no answer to the question why the sensitivity of the mouse in the csgo is felt differently than in any other game? The calculator shows the same values, but in fact there is a slight delay. Or miscalculations move the mouse some strange. I use the following settings: raw input 0; 2.5 game sens; 6/11 win sens; win accel on; 1800DPI; 1000Hz; FullHD; no V-Sync.
  2. Can you make the same video CSS?
  3. I, too, suffer from this problem. No program, which reduces the loss and works with Enhance-Pointer-Precision. I've created a discussion in STEAM and many people wrote, who use the Enhance-Pointer-Precession OS - http://steamcommunity.com/app/730/discussions/0/523898291489957828/
  4. Hi ! I play csgo with the rawinput 0 and I feel the delay after CSS. Can you do choose between Accel OS OF or ON in Rinput ? At the moment players who play with the acceleration OS do not have programs that reduce the delay in CSGO and use acceleration OS.
  5. two cursors: SHIFT + F2 = window play demo. (full screen mode) Feels delay much higher than with CSS fps menu 300. VSync off
  6. Hello. I also feel the delay of the mouse. What can you say about this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ32XmZo7pY&list=FLYK6z7XfE_-lwaEm0Ni2law&index=1 That's the topic of discussion - http://steamcommunity.com/app/730/discussions/0/523898291490321016/?tscn=1443021319 https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/3m48cq/mouse_delay_in_cs_go/
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