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Everything posted by Resiax

  1. Oh thanks for the quick reply. Glad it's not a general problem, guess I was just unlucky with the ones I tried haha. I'd like to use this opportunity to let you know how much I appreciate this website and your work. I genuinely can't put into words how glad I am that such a high quality and easily accesible service exists. Let alone all the knowledge about aiming and mouse input in the forum posts. Thanks for all the effort and good luck for the future Cheers~
  2. Wizard is it somehow possible for you to confirm whether mouse smoothing is forcibly enabled as mentioned on the pcgamingwiki? https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sons_of_the_Forest#Input It is a problem in other Unity games, but I'm unsure about this one. Would really appreciate it.
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