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Everything posted by SeikoPotato

  1. I lowered my polling rate from 2k to 1k, it feels slightly better, but I'm not sure if it's placebo.
  2. Even with the mouse smoothing issue out of the way, the mouse inputs still feel off. It's very slippery. I figured it was the FOV but Strinova has a smaller FOV and mouse inputs feel fine. Any idea what this could be? I have a similar issue with Valorant and warzone 1 Other games I'm basing mouse input from: - CS2, Siege, The Finals, Apex, and Overwatch.
  3. It seems that opening the settings menu resets the sensitivity. I'm not sure if this is just on my end though
  4. I think you can add it back. I tried converting using gamingsmart and a tutorial from a youtube video and I was able to convert accurately from 0.7 1600 cs2 to The Finals at 15.4 using the hex editor. It resets when you change any other setting though edit: by reset, I meant rounds off
  5. Thanks. It works now
  6. I'm testing the sensitivty conversion from cs. I used the editor when inputting sensitivity. It doesn't seem to match using kovaaks sensitivity matcher.
  7. Oh I just tested with that FOV and it tested correctly. I assumed FOV wouldn't affect sensitivity since the calculator mentioned it wouldn't. It didn't occur to me that that would change when ADS'd Thanks for this
  8. Something seems to be wrong with 360 ads conversion. If I use these settings, Kovaak's sensitivity matcher would be slightly slower. If I change ADSMouseMultiplierUnit to 0.016780 however, the sensitivity matches. Am I using the calculator incorrectly?
  9. There is also an issue with my mouse movement even on 125hz. I'm not sure if the mouse movement is tied to fps or cpu usage. Kovaak's Sensitivity Matcher seems inconsistent
  10. You are doing God's work
  11. This is an old question that wasn't responded to, but I have a similar issue. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=663d4502e0679071c1aa7623c333b1df The Aim Sensitivities are faster both using kovaak's sensitivity matcher and manually 360'ing with my mouse on 125hz
  12. The sensitivity conversion seems to be incorrect when testing with Kovaak's Sensitivity Matcher. I'm trying to convert 1.5 csgo but it seems to have missed the mark by a lot and not the closest estimate. I have set bEnableMouseSmoothing to false in the ini file. Edit: I'm using 360 distance
  13. How is FoV calculated? I can't find any sources stating what aspect ratio they use
  14. I read in a few forums that this game is 16:9 hfov, but why is csgo 90 = 110? The setting with 16:9 hfov is usually 106
  15. There's an option to use cheat engine. I'm trying it out, but can't seem to get it to work. Will it even save once I switch to the mode with anti-cheat?
  16. Ah yes, my bad. I was wondering what happened to it. Would it be possible to make one for the fallout 4 raw input mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27019
  17. Hello, the fallout 4 calculator used to have the mouse fix option on the special options dropdown menu, but now it's gone. Can it be brought back? I changed my sensitivity
  18. Thank you so much!
  19. Could update the calculator @DPI Wizard? I would also want a conversion for this game
  20. Þ That's how it is. The developers have not implemented a separate sensitivity for acog. I avoid acog for that reason.
  21. My bad I misread your post. I don't know what to do there. I'll help you out when I get enough money for membership again
  22. Check out the ini file. You can input your multiplier and sensitivity there for a 1:1 conversion. It should be on the right side of the calculator instead of "ingame slider". I'd help you identify what it is exactly but my membership expired
  23. That wasn't it. I found the cause. Avast's game mode apparently caused it. idk why, but as soon as I disabled it, my sensitivity went back to normal.
  24. Disable fullscreen optimizations is ticked. and so is override high dpi scaling behavior. These were both ticked way back then during operation health
  25. Uhh, I forgot to quote, but my reply stands above this one
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