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Vols and Jezuz

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Vols and Jezuz last won the day on August 6 2017

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  1. Cool, very good work my dude. Thanks for taking the time to understand what I was trying to do. And thanks for the suggestion for you program. I will have to try it out. In case you're interested, I got that weird zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse by doing the monitor match at the last visible pixels in the AWP scope for zoom level 2, which is the farthest I can imagine practically needing to flick in CS:GO. I just redid the calculation because I don't think I had the exact equation for monitor match % and zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse when I did it a lot time ago, so the more precise value is 0.883165, which is ~47.7% (916/1920) match distance for AWP zoom level 2 and ~40.9% match distance for AWP zoom level 1. I have a much easier time using that match distance and taking it easy with flicks near the center of the scope than I do with using 0% match distance and having to flick extra hard for everything not in the center of the scope.
  2. The final values in my spreadsheet are for the ZoomedSensitivityScale variable in KFInput.ini ... nothing to do with match distance. Your calculations are correct, but that's not what I'm trying to do. (Edit: calculations in the post appear fine. In the spreadsheet, I don't think so. Because Microwave Gun, flamethrowers should be 0.833547 according to your spreadsheet, which would make ADS have a lower 360° rotation distance than hipfire) My spreadsheet is supposed to scale the zoom scaling in KF2 the same way you would expect it to be done in CS:GO. In other words, I'm trying to make the 360° rotation distance for a zoomed FOV in KF2 the same as the 360° rotation distance would be for that same zoomed FOV in CS:GO (even taking into consideration if you could change the CS:GO hipfire FOV like you can in KF2). I'm linking another spreadsheet to show some more steps of the process, so you can see that my method works. The first step is to figure out the zoom_sensitivity_multiplier, column E, to use in this equation from CS:GO: zoom_sensitivity = sensitivity * zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse * zoom_sensitivity_multiplier This is done by taking the ratio of the base 4:3 horizontal FOVs. This would be 40/90 for AWP zoom level 1 in CS:GO, but my spreadsheet calculates the value depending on the FOV you are using in KF2, as determined by FOVOptionsPercentageValue. These next calculations assume a specific KF2 hipfire 360° rotation distance, though I show later on that it cancels out and is not needed. Since 360° rotation distance is inversely proportional to sensitivity, you can substitute those into the equation using the previously calculated zoom_sensitivity_multiplier, solving for zoom 360° rotation distance, column F: zoom 360° rotation distance = 360° rotation distance / zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse / zoom_sensitivity_multiplier Column G is the proportion of (360° rotation distance / zoom 360° rotation distance). Since ZoomedSensitivityScale matches hipfire 360° rotation when set to 75°/(ADS FOV) [Column D] and ADS sensitivity scales linearly with ZoomedSensitivityScale, the product of Column G and Column D will give the desired ZoomedSensitivityScale to match CS:GO. When consolidating Columns E-H into Column I, you can see that the original KF2 hipfire 360° rotation distance cancels out.
  3. I've made a spreadsheet for getting KF2's zoom sensitivity scaling to behave like CS:GO's zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse. I'm fairly confident about these calculations, assuming that the KF2 weapons' base zoom FOVs provided by @Skwuruhl are still correct, that ZoomedSensitivityScale still matches hipfire 360° rotation when set to 75°/(ADS FOV) as he showed, and that ADS sensitivity still scales linearly with ZoomedSensitivityScale as he stated. Here's how to use it: 1) Download a local copy of the spreadsheet so that you can edit the values. 2) Input your zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse from CS:GO into the dotted box with red text and purple background. 3) If your FOVOptionsPercentageValue in the lighter purple box is different than in the spreadsheet, decide if you want to change to my recommended value from the spreadsheet. If not, overwrite the spreadsheet value with your own. 4) The calculations will give you several options in green and blue text, so choose one for your new ZoomedSensitivityScale. Read the notes if you are having trouble deciding. 5) Update KFInput.ini with your new ZoomedSensitivityScale (and update KFGame.ini with the new FOVOptionsPercentageValue if you decided to change to my recommended value in step 3).
  4. The last time I tested was Dec 9, 2015. My results were 0/500,000 input packet discrepancies at each of fps_max 128, 425, and 999 with RInput v1.41. The newer releases were more about recoding and fixing some bugs in games' menus, so v1.44 should still be equivalent to m_rawinput 1. That is indeed the newest release of sourceGL. It was taken down from Sourceforge because it was not open source, right as I was just starting a full open source recode in C++. But alas, I've since gone back to school, and simply don't have time to work on this project for the next 2 and a half years. Maybe at that time I will be able to do the full recode. Hope this helped.
  5. When you change the sensitivities in the config file, using LastConvertedMouseSensitivity, the change is not reflected by the in-game sliders for sensitivity in the settings. As for converting CS:GO, there's a bunch of different methods people have proposed. Personally my favorite is what I called the "Snook_ method", but using Viewspeed is also a good way to go about it (and fairly similar to my spreadsheet). You can try using Viewspeed for Hipfire and Vehicle sensitivities, but I find those to be way too slow for looting. You have a pretty low CS:GO sensitivity, so I think you will find that using Viewspeed for Hipfire and Vehicle will make your arm want to fall off after looting for a few games. In that case, use 360° for Hipfire and Vehicle, and Viewspeed for the rest of the sensitivities. Or use my spreadsheet if you want the sensitivities to scale in the same manner that CS:GO uses for zoom sensitivity scaling.
  6. Using Monitor Match at 75% versus any of the Zoomed CS:GO aims will give the same results for the PUBG sensitivities that are scaled using CS:GO's zoom sensitivity scaling in my spreadsheets. But that's not what you do for PUBG Hipfire or Vehicle sensitivities, where the goal is to preserve 360° rotation distance. So you have to change the calculator settings and copy the resulting value for each of PUBG's 8 sensitivities. I fail to see how that is easier. It takes significantly more mouse clicks and time versus the spreadsheet, and it's easy to forget to change one thing in the calculator (like changing FOV from 90 for first person) and get a wrong number without noticing. I don't understand how my spreadsheet isn't easy. There's only 4 things to input and it should take the average user less than a minute to complete from start to finish. But after finally getting some game time to test things out, I think I am coming around to the "Snook_ method" spreadsheet as opposed to my original method. It's kind of the best of both worlds, in that your ingrained 90° and 180° snaps are preserved in the Hipfire and Vehicle for first and third person, which is good for looting and quickly turning towards gunfire or a compass heading. But using any "aiming", i.e. holding RMB for "Targeting" or clicking RMB to ADS/scope, switches to CS:GO sensitivity with CS:GO's zoom sensitivity scaling.
  7. I realized that my spreadsheets had an error where I was calculating target distances with the zoom sensitivity ratio relative to the 16:9 magnification instead of relative to the 4:3 magnification like CS:GO does. All three spreadsheets have been updated. One consequence of this correction is that the Scoping and Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x sensitivities will now all be different values, even if you are using zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 1, since PUBG's sensitivity scaling is relative to 16:9 instead of 4:3 like CS:GO.
  8. Either that or just change whichever sensitivities are different manually each time. It should be made read-only, which makes manually editing the different sensitivities each time a bit of an annoyance, so it probably is easier keeping two copies of GameUserSettings.ini and switching them out accordingly.
  9. Here is a spreadsheet for @Drimzi's method, and here is a spreadsheet for @Snook_'s method (modified to use zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse instead of viewspeed). You can use the same steps from my method for either of these two new methods. For your method, Snook_, I have the 3rd person and 1st person only Hipfire sensitivities matched to CS:GO 360° rotation distance, but the targeting sensitivities are scaled according to their FOV using zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse. So basically, you have the same 360° normally, but if you hold down RMB, it will change the sensitivity to match CS:GO's sensitivity with zoomed FOV scaling. This is an interesting way of doing things IMO. People can try all three methods and see what they prefer. Personally, I suspect I will prefer my method, though I'm going to try the two new ones with an open mind. Different people will like different things.
  10. Yeah I understand what he is trying to say. The problem with matching PUBG Hipfire to 360° rotation distance and then matching the scoped speeds based off of CS:GO's FOV is that the mouse movement feels really whacky when changing from Hipfire to ADS or a scope. Say for instance you get caught off guard by someone running very close to you, and you start tracking them in 3rd person, then you switch to ADS to shoot at them, the mouse movement is suddenly wayyyy slower than you intuitively expect based off of the 3rd person tracking. I guess we just have a fundamental disagreement that the scopes feel too fast with my method. They feel just as I expect them to personally.
  11. I'm hoping that you will understand after reading my last post, but what you are describing is not what I'm trying to accomplish. All I'm using for conversion from CS:GO is the 360° rotation distance to PUBG Hipfire, and from that point on I could give a f**k what CS:GO's FOV is. All of my PUBG scoped sensitivities are just using CS:GO's method for scaling sensitivity based on FOV, but it is in no way related to CS:GO's actual FOV. Edit: Here's why what you are describing would not work for me. To make things easy, let's say my 360° rotation distance in CS:GO is 46cm and my zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse is 0.9. Using your method, I would scale my 360° rotation distance for 3rd person, 80 FOV in PUBG like so: 46cm * 106.26° / (80° * 0.9) = ~68cm. So now, using your sensitivity, I'm in a PUBG game and someone starts shooting at me from 180° directly behind me. Well, I am so ingrained from CS:GO that when someone is 180° and I need to snap there in a panic, that I'm going to move my mouse half of my CS:GO 360° rotation distance, 23cm, to hit that 180°. But with your sensitivty, UH OH, I only turned 23cm / 68cm * 360° = ~122°. I'm nowhere near the 180° I was intending to turn, and I'm dead. That's why I convert CS:GO 360° rotation distance straight to PUBG Hipfire 360° rotation distance, ignoring FOV. Then, all the PUBG scoped sensitivities are sensibly scaled based off of that PUBG Hipfire 360° rotation distance and FOV, whether it is 80 for 3rd person or FpsCamearFov for 1st person only. Now I can easily make a spreadsheet to do the method you are describing if you would like. I haven't because it's not a method I would personally use.
  12. Again, you are not understanding what I am trying to accomplish. I'm not trying to give the same sensitivity for the 4x scope's FOV of 20 that you would get for a scope with FOV of 20 in CS:GO. I'm trying to scale the 4x scope's sensitivity according to the same formula that CS:GO uses, which is simply scaling the 360° rotation distance according to the ratio of hipfire FOV divided by scoped FOV then dividing by zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse, but based off of the PUBG's hipfire FOV, whether that 80 for 3rd person or 103 for 1st person. I know what you are saying about converting from CS:GO's FOV is correct, but that's not what I'm intending to do.
  13. The problem is that when you are dealing with two different FOVs, then you cannot have the mouse movement correspond to the same distance on the monitor except for 1 point on the monitor. Anywhere closer to the middle than that point will be faster and anywhere farther from the middle than that point will be slower. So you have to pick which point on the monitor you want to match at. The Monitor Distance conversion in the calculator lets you do this. A "Match At" of 0% would be to match the sensitivity at the center of the screen, 50% would match halfway between the center of the screen and the edge of the screen, and 100% would match at the edge of the screen. The Viewspeed conversion in the calculator is similar to this idea, but it calculates an "ideal" percentage to match at, which corresponds to perfect 2D->3D mouse movement conversion.
  14. I think you are misunderstanding what I am trying to accomplish with the spreadsheet. Suppose you are getting shot from 180° directly behind you. My instinct is going to be to snap to 180° with the exact same swipe distance that I would to 180° in CS:GO, because that sensitivity is so ingrained in me now. So that is why I chose to match the Hipfire sensitivities based on CS:GO 360° rotation distance and disregard any discrepancy in FOV. Then, taking that Hipfire sensitivity and FOV as the base, the other sensitivities are scaled in the same manner as CS:GO scales its various zoomed sensitivities using zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse. Basically, that step is making the assumption that the player is used to CS:GO's zoomed sensitivity scaling, however imperfect it may be. I certainly don't think this method will provide everyone with the best experience. But I can say that it is easily the best scaling method for retaining my ingrained snap angles from CS:GO hipfire, and then have the scoped sensitivities scale in a way that is intuitive for me. Whether I'm snapping 90°, halfway across the screen with a 4x scope, or tracking someone with a red dot during full auto firing, my method has translated perfectly for me time and again in PUBG. I've tried pretty much every plausible method that I've seen mentioned in this thread, including the various Viewspeed and Monitor matches. I expect that these other methods might work better for certain people, depending on whether they play generally high/medium/low sensitivities in games, whether they tend to use a faster snap-and-correct or a smoother, slower aiming method, etc. As I discussed, my method has a big problem for retaining the core idea if you're switching from 3rd person servers to 1st person only servers. This would be solved if they would make the Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x FOVs scale according to FpsCamearFov for 1st person only hipfire/targeting. In other words, it would be solved if they treated Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x each as being a different FOV magnification based on the hipfire FOV, so that the ratio of scoped FOV to hipfire FOV was the same whether you were playing on an 80 FOV 3rd person server or a first person only server with 103 FpsCamearFov.
  15. A warning for using that spreadsheet, is that the Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x sensitivities will be completely different for 3rd person servers and 1st person only servers if FpsCamearFov is anything other than 80. This is because they are obeying the CS:GO sensitivity scaling based on FOV, and the 3rd person sensitivities are scaled according to base FOV 80 while the 1st person only sensitivities are scaled according to a base FOV of your choosing (80 - 103). Unless they give us an option for scaling Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x FOVs relative to FpsCamearFOV, your alternatives are as follows: A.) Use FpsCamearFov 80, so that the sensitivities are all the same for 3rd person and 1st person only servers. B.) Use FpsCamearFov of your choosing (presumably, 103) and get used to the Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x sensitivities being different for 3rd person and 1st person only servers. C.) Use FpsCamearFov of your choosing (presumably, 103) and only change the Normal and Targeting sensitivities in the config file when switching between 3rd person and 1st person only servers, keeping the Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x sensitivities the same. So, you will have to pick between always using the 3rd person OR always using the 1st person only Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x sensitivities. If you choose to always use the 3rd person Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x sensitivities, the sensitivity scaling relative to FOV will be off when switching to/from 1st person on 1st person only servers; or, if you choose to always use the 1st person only Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x sensitivities, the sensitivity scaling relative to FOV will be off when switching to/from 3rd person on 3rd person servers. The FOV-to-sensitivity scaling will remain correct for all the Scoping/Scope 2x/4x/8x/15x sensitivities, relative to each other, in either situation.
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