I am playing CODbo 2 with the settings below
Mouse Sensitivity 2.64 DPI 400 Resolution 1920x1080 Monitor 24inch WPS 6 FOV 90 VFOV 73.74 HFOV 106.26
I'd like to play with 2d game osu! or Windows / Desktop with the above settings ...
360 ° Distance or MonitorDistance or viewspeed v1 or viewspeed v2
Which should I calculate?
A calculator is improper recently
Sensitivity 1 DPI 1200 WPS 6 Monitor Size 24 FOV 90
Infinite Warfare
Hipfire (HEX) DPI 1200 WPS 6 FOV 106.26
I am displayed now so far with b2da2d3f though I was displayed with 3fe92d3f Monitor Size