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Johnny Ridden

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  1. I would like to request MONSTER HUNTER RISE, is that possible?
  2. Is that why it looks like you're zooming in the game?
  3. Is the FOV of Hipfire the same as the FOV of Targeting?
  4. Can I add a calculator to calculate JustBuild? https://www.justbuild.lol/
  5. Thank you very much
  6. Can I add a calculator to calculate Aimtastic?
  7. Aimtasticを計算するための電卓を追加することはできますか?
  8. (SensitiveName="ScopingMagnified",Sensitivity=50.000000,LastConvertedSensitivity=0.020000) Which weapon's sensitivity will change in the above items?
  9. ClientSettings.exe can not read the file, why? failed to deserialize file. I get the above error.
  10. I am playing CODbo 2 with the settings below Mouse Sensitivity 2.64 DPI 400 Resolution 1920x1080 Monitor 24inch WPS 6 FOV 90 VFOV 73.74 HFOV 106.26 I'd like to play with 2d game osu! or Windows / Desktop with the above settings ... 360 ° Distance or MonitorDistance or viewspeed v1 or viewspeed v2 Which should I calculate?
  11. A calculator is improper recently BO2 Sensitivity 1 DPI 1200 WPS 6 Monitor Size 24 FOV 90 Infinite Warfare Hipfire (HEX) DPI 1200 WPS 6 FOV 106.26 I am displayed now so far with b2da2d3f though I was displayed with 3fe92d3f Monitor Size
  12. The sensitivity adjustment of the IW came to be possible. However, setting is reset when I open the optional screen. Is this problem cured?
  13. Thank you,everybody. I hear it just to make sure Is FoV of black Ops 2 exact?
  14. Oh, you are amazing. I want to play by a game in exact FoV90. What is exact FoV 90 in black ops 3 ?
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