Going back to the calculations being off when using Gunslinger mode, I can confirm this.
Gunslinger mode means there is no FOV change when the stance changes from "look" to "shoulder aim".
Hunt mode has or used to have the FOV change when going from "look" to "shoulder".
If you look to the calculations below, you can see 55cm 360º @ 90Hdeg FOV for CS:GO and converts to 103cm 360º @55Vdeg FOV. The only way to fix the 360º distance is to increase Hunt FOV to 92.21. However, max fov in Hunt config is 80!!! There is no way to increase it 92.21.
55Vdeg FOV - showing the 360º mismatch
92.12 Vdeg FOV - showing how to match the 360º distance but it's an impossible fov in hunt
@DPI Wizard What do you think?
What I also don't understand is why is the 360º distance changes with different hunt FOV settings if, on cryEngine, FOV does not affect sensitivity, meaning, HUNT FOV 85 or HUNT FOV 110 will be exactly the same 360 distance, right?