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Everything posted by PeteOdeath

  1. Looks like they fixed the narrow sensitivity issue. Definitely goes low enough for me now. Unfortunately that means the calculator will need updating again.
  2. I measured it out manually and it's correct. Make sure you disable all the mouse smoothing/acceleration, ratios etc. This LINK has most of the commands needed.
  3. Just a heads up that Red Orchestra 2 works for KF2 in the meantime.
  4. No the code isn't there yet as far as I know. It's a relatively old build when compared to BF4, They wanted to concentrate purely on a stable launch. This is good news though.
  5. Correct.
  6. The values are the same as BF4 they have just changed where the settings are. Change for your own usernames: C:\Users\Peter\Documents\BFH\settings\PROFSAVE_PeteOdeath Apparently you can get away with using wordpad to edit the file but to be safe I use a hex editor. HxD is the one I use.
  7. Bump!
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