Having used a mouse on console for several years in the past my experience is that this is going to be almost impossible. Even the games with the best look mechanics have some form of acceleration built into them on console. Most of them have crazy amounts of acceleration, with crazy curves and oddball deadzones.
Call of Duty is considered to have one of the best look mechanics. It's mechanic is almost perfectly linear except for the first 100ms of turning which has acceleration starting low and steadily increasing over 100ms. If all games were like this it may be possible, however the large majority of games have crazy look mechanics.
Borderlands for example is reasonably linear up to about 70% of the analogue stick, this allows you to get nice 1:1 below 70% turn speed, but the turn speed is crazy low at <=70%. After 70% the acceleration kicks in, and the turn speed rapidly increases, but not in any form of linear or predictable manner. Unfortunately the large majority of games have their own special, equally crazy and entirely unique implementation.