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  1. Then which method i should use for Desktop to Overwatch?
  2. Hi there, I'm trying to calculate my OverWatch sensitivity from desktop sensitivity but it always shows me 9.28 , whenever i change my DPI sensitivity stays same (9.28) only thing that changes is "360 distance" . Am i doing wrong? Or calculator is broken? Im trying to convert from Sensitivity to Viewspeed 2
  3. With 360 distance: when i change mouse Sensitivity, Overwatch's sensitivity doesn't change only thing that changes it's 360° distance, do i need to convert that too? if soo how ? Edit : Oh actually it works, i don't know why it didn't work yesterday.Now i found it thanks.
  4. Hi there, I want to convert my desktop sensitivity to OverWatch sensitivity but i can't :') , I'm trying convert from Sensitivity (Desktop) to Viewspeed v1 (Overwatch) but it feels like a lot of faster. My desktop sensitivity is ; 300 DPI 1920x1080 - 24 inch 6 WPS OverWatch FOV : 103 - 1920x1080 And this is the result i found. But it's way too fast? My previous OverWatch ingame Sensitivity was 5.65 and it was cool for me but i wan't it to be exactly same with my aimbooster sensitivity Thanks. Sensitivity 1: Sensitivity 9.34 360° distance: 19.4666 inches Config FOV: Field of View 103 Actual VFOV: 70.53 degrees Actual HFOV: 103 degrees
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