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Brh's Achievements

  1. isn't the resolution different, hence changing things?
  2. Doesn't seem to work for me

  3. Hello dpi wizard how can i get the correct, sensitivity from hipfire to aim in red orchestra 2 calculator? I don't know how what to do. I put the sensitivity in red orchestra 2 and selected hipfire, then went to convert and selected red orchestra 2 and put zoom/aim but can't get any value

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brh


      Let me know if i did right i cant seem to get anything out of it

    3. Brh


      eh..... seems like it's premium feature rip

    4. Brh


      any chance to get answer?

  4. Thanks i'll try it now soon enough, sorry for the bother
  5. Hello Dpi Wizard , i tried to contact you through steam but without success, so i decided to make a topic at which you can reply whenever you want. What i'm asking for is basically if there is a way to add to the calculator the function to measure the ADS in Red orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad. The game has 2 slider for hipfire and aim down the sight, you can modify the hipfire one through ini, same for the ADS, putting the same number as the hipfire one results in a multiplied sensitvity. I'd like to have the same sensitivity as the hipfire one i'm using. When you have a bit of time you can reply here and let me know whether it is possible or not. Thanks in advance regardless of the answer. Take care.
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