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  1. hipfire feels perfect, no need adjusting that. All i'm having trouble with is the scopes not feeling like the csgo scopes.
  2. I've been trying for the past week to find a perfect equivalent of csgo sensitivity to PUBG. I have both FOV's set on 90 degrees(Not "Actual HFOV's, have absolutely no idea how those work, maybe that's the problem?). Considering i have put in way too many hours in CSGO, my muscle memory there is perfectly sync'ed to my eye. But i can't seem to sucessfully convert that into this game. Normal(Hipfire) sensitivity, suggested by the site(Using Monitor distance vert 60.8%), feels absolutely perfect. But as soon as we start with the ADS, it feels way too slow and clunky. In csgo, i use zoom sensitivity ratio 0.818933..., and i want my Red dot to feel like my aug/sg553 scope, but it somehow doesn't. It's slower. Here's my conversions to hipfire - only for the Normal and Targeting sens. Works perfect: Here's me trying to convert to aug/sg553 to other scopes: 40-41 feels somehow off.. Like it's waay slower than aug scoped. Then i tried to put ads sens same as normal - 46. .... , and it feels way closer to the result i want to achieve.. I would appreciate any help. Thank you so much.
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