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  1. The mouse has always felt 'off' in pubg, even after playing 7k hours and competitively. It's just strange. When you go back to cs or valorant etc. they always feel so easy to aim in comparitively, as things feel like they are in sync. Pubg feels like holding fire hoses sometimes, its just inconsistent and odd with ADS across diff scopes and ranges
  2. Change 'Location' to in game and youll get the round number of 26. The config file will be exact but you have to change the values in the .txt config file and is trickier. Pubg sensitivity adjustment is hilariously bad and does not let you change to decimal points in game which is dogshit but is what it is. I'd say using the whole value of 26 would suffice for pubg its close enough
  3. What about when scoping in? Could this be why some scopes feel so whack when zooming in and others feel ok? 6k hours and game still never feels like any other shooter with the scopes. I’ve just got used to the clunkyness
  4. Can you elaborate on what’s wrong with pubg fov? also I’ve noticed for years that the sensitivity across scoped always feels weird in pubg it’s a bit unco between zoom levels etc even with the calculator or just using standard sense values. No other game feels as “weird”
  5. The reasoning is very flawed, just fix your posture and general health and you won't get injured from 'gaming'. Just going to the gymn has higher risk of muscular injury lol, and thats considered healthy. OP needs to watch this, fantastic overview of the anatomy and looking after yourself while finding a comfortable sensitivity that can be consistently performed under pressure and adrenalin (IE NOT 2cm 360's hahaha)
  6. o% works well for PUBG once you get used to it, because its more natural for tracking which is a huge part of the game when shooting at moving targets. I use 20% though, as it gives me a tiny bit faster scopes which feels slightly nicer. This matches in pubg to the same edge to edge of the zoomed in scope sizes, which feels nice.
  7. Guaranteed it’s a simple character missing or added. It’s just like writing software code or powershell scripts. Their needs to be no mistakes, make sure you copy and paste and replace the exact correct text and brackets etc and don’t add spaces or anything else. This is scripting 101
  8. At least half of them don’t matter tho. Just the common guns used in competitive. But pubg certainly has weird af feeling zooms and mouse
  9. So how’s this 2018 post holding up for you now? Be good to get an update!!
  10. Cool was just interested why you suggested MDV instead of MDH
  11. What’s the difference between mdv 0% and mdh 0% in the calculator? Which one should everyone be using dpi wizard / does it matter? @DPI Wizard
  12. Haha wow how is that even a thing.... these devs geez. Pubg has always felt weird sensitivity wise to me and inconsistent. Maybe this has something to do with it.
  13. So are you saying converting sense is now useless into the config file and you may as well just type in whole values because even though the config file says 6 decimal places it will only read it rounded up? Or is that a visual bug in game and it’s still reading the sense correctly? always thought pubg felt stuffed sense wise and I’m always mucking around with it
  14. Hey Mate, when are the gpro tests going up? Keen to see them!
  15. I play competitive pubg and have found 0% monitor match is good once you get used to it for scoped sprays. My 4x spray is probably my best spray and I use 36 0% MM at 800DPI. Following cars and spraying people out of them with a 4x at like 100m is really easy and comfortable. It just requires using your arm to pull down rather than only your wrist. But over time, this method is far more repeatable as having a tiny amount of pull down area with just fingers can't compensate enough for recoil changes in PUBG - There are no set patterns its all random and you need to have margin for error when dragging down which means a lowish sense helps this a lot.
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