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  1. What is the default FOV for RE Village? Also, should the "Mouse Sensitivity" setting just be set to "4" in-game like the default? I guess I'm pretty confused about this game's conversion settings... Thanks for the help in advance.
  2. You are brilliant. Thanks!
  3. That's very awesome news. Thank you for the hard work!
  4. Hi, I'm new here, and I recently began calculating "Viewspeed 2" instead of "360 degree distance" for the obvious benefits. Viewspeed 2 is phenomenal, and it feels right, so I won't be switching back. But I noticed that, unlike the 360 degree distance calculator, the calculator for Viewspeed 2 does not list any "discrepancy" percentage. Why is this? The discrepancy percentage is very useful for games like Destiny 2 which have big leaps of sensitivity steps. Using the percentage, if it were listed, I would theoretically be able to easily tweak the FOV to hone in on a more accurate viewspeed. I hope it's possible to add the discrepancy percentage to the other calculator outputs. Let me know. And thank you!
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