Tried converting hip fire sense (about 15.7 in 360) from bfv and apex legends to rage using 360 method it says to use 25% in rage 2. The calculator says it should be about a 15in 360 but in the actual game its more like a 17 or 18 in 360. I have to set to 27% to get close to 15.7 in 360. Fov doesn't seem to affect hip fire sense in rage 2. The fov in the calculator seems to not be right either unless I'm doing it wrong but I've been using the calculator for a couple years now so I think I'm using it right. Trying to match bfv vdeg 74 and leaving rage 2 on the default calculator setting it says to put rage 2 at 106 but that definitely feels way to high in game. 90 feels about equal to bfv at 74. Sorry for no screen shots, I'm on my phone right now.