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DPI Wizard

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  1. DPI Wizard's post in Hunt showdown ADS question. does hip affect ADS was marked as the answer   
    They are not related.
    You can see this in the calculator if you select the ADS aim, as it only has one sensitivity setting.
  2. DPI Wizard's post in Some Calculator Conversion Settings Are Locked was marked as the answer   
    This is actually one of the main reasons fields are locked. A lot of people were typing in the wrong FOV because of the confusion with viewmodel FOV and then getting wrong results.
    The viewmodel FOV of 68 (which also is the default value) is the rendering FOV of your weapon (basically how big or small your weapon appears), it has nothing to do with your actual FOV. The FOV in CS2 is locked to 90 unless you enable cheats (which you can enable in the calculator, but is irrelevant for this scenario).
    So unless you play with cheats enabled, you can ignore the FOV setting in CS2
  3. DPI Wizard's post in Problems Converting Planetside & CS2 Sens -> Delta Force(Namely ADS sens) was marked as the answer   
    Are you using the default FOV of 90 in Delta Force?
  4. DPI Wizard's post in delta force coversion was marked as the answer   
    The default value of 1 works fine here.
    Make sure to set everything as calculated or mentioned in the game notes. There's a lot of settings for this game, and just setting one of them different makes the sensitivity wrong.
    These are the settings:
    Mouse Sensitivity Horizontal Sensitivity Vertical Sensitivity Monitor Distance Coefficient 1-2X etc Default FOV Scope Magnification Scope Adaptation Sensitivity Transition Mode - ADS Transition ADS Sensitivity Type - Set Sensitivity Per Zoom + MDV ADS Sensitivity Multiplier - 1 ADS Vertical Sensitivity - 1 ADS Horizontal Sensitivity - 1  
  5. DPI Wizard's post in A Couple Problems Converting My Sensitivity from Marvel Rivals to Delta Force was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the links! It's not telling you to increase the sensitivity, because the Monitor Distance Coefficient of 1.78 matches the conversion setup of MDH 100%. So when you increase the FOV, the game will take this into account to scale it exactly like the conversion setup.
    I have not looked at vehicles in this game yet, it's on the todo list
  6. DPI Wizard's post in FPS to a 2D game was marked as the answer   
    Is your FOV correct (120)? This impacts the conversion. Other than that you can adjust the Windows/2D conversion setup, but it's already at it's traditionally slowest. This matches the pixel-by-pixel movement between 2D and 3D.
  7. DPI Wizard's post in Arma Reforger was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately this game is unsupported due to issues with too much smoothing/acceleration combined with a maximum turn speed.
  8. DPI Wizard's post in Need help converting Sens was marked as the answer   
    The Sensitivity 1 field for Tarkov is the total change in turn speed due to armor, not the sensitivity (see the game notes section). The sensitivity goes into the Multiplier 1 field. Fix that and the conversion should work as intended
  9. DPI Wizard's post in THE FINALS ADS PROFILE was marked as the answer   
    You are changing the source here, which is why you get different results.
    In the last one the correct Apex settings would be 1x Optic 1.29, not 1.
  10. DPI Wizard's post in I am having a small confusion with the Delta Force Settings was marked as the answer   
    "Scope magnification on" is the option under the FOV.
    This is because the calculator automatically adjusts the coefficient based on your conversion setup. If you set a different monitor distance value than coefficient, you will get different values.'
    If you have adaptability off, you will get a fixed FOV for the scopes, while it adapts the the configured FOV if you set it on. Which one is recommended depends on your preference.
    Since a lot of scopes share settings, the blue lines indicate the best setting for the specific scope. In most cases you will get similar values for all scopes though, since the game supports monitor distance coefficient.
  11. DPI Wizard's post in Apex Legends changed zoom sensitivities after update? 120 fov was marked as the answer   
    This issue is fixed now
  12. DPI Wizard's post in Help converting Modern Warfare 2 (2022) sens with ads sens to Rainbow six siege was marked as the answer   
    You need to use the config file instead of in-game for this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=58b920d3bd22ff5affbc5503a5c44b07
  13. DPI Wizard's post in Call of Duty Black ops 6 Please help with setting sensitivity on config files. was marked as the answer   
    This is explained in the game notes, scopes have two different calculations, one for the outer FOV and one for the inner FOV. You have to choose which one to match for based on what you prefer.  The same goes for the different zoom levels that use the same setting. There's also an image here explaining the difference.
    The numbers after the sensitivity name might be related to different versions or something, but it's not important. You should only have one "ADSLowZoomSensitivity" entry etc, so just use these.
  14. DPI Wizard's post in Why does changing monitor distance coefficient change sensitivity multipliers ? was marked as the answer   
    Resolution actually affects a few games, but this is not one of them. So unless you also want to account for monitor size (so the sensitivity scales based on it), you can keep the same settings. If you do want to account for it, this would be the correct setup: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=994fa89219ed1938b88c8a23a90c7fa4
  15. DPI Wizard's post in Monitor distance archive for all games? was marked as the answer   
    X means either that the aim is unaffected, i.e. the 360 distance does not change depending on FOV, or that the information is missing from the database.
    You can't change FOV in CS2 without enabling cheats, so when the cheats are disabled, the FOV Affection will show an X.
  16. DPI Wizard's post in Can someone explain why this is "wrong"? thanks. was marked as the answer   
    Sorry for the late answer here. Yes, this is what pixel ratio is. But with your settings, the pixel ratio for hipfire is so low that it actually isn't an issue. The bigger issue is as you can see, the game doesn't support sensitivity this high.
    It is different because you are using an existing sensitivity 1 value which does not correspond to the hipfire being 45 cm. If you want only all the scopes to be 45 cm, but hipfire completely different, you need to go through each scope like this, just select a different one instead of 4.00X: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=ccd0f9a6a78af5130b8f29bc2ec137a7
  17. DPI Wizard's post in How can I convert widow sens to Strinova (New User) was marked as the answer   
    The zoom sens is calculated based on the conversion setup. To find the correct setup for your 32, use the reverse function.
    Don't know what your Ashe sens is, but if it scales the same as Widow, then this conversion is correct: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=6cc16f0f89aa0a0c687ed596f07e11c9
  18. DPI Wizard's post in Red Dead Redemption 2 Sensitivity was marked as the answer   
    Aiming feels faster when using the same 360 distance because the FOV is lower. What tracking speed does is matching this:
    So with this, tracking a target requires the same speed.
  19. DPI Wizard's post in Can you explain this to me? (Zoom sens) was marked as the answer   
    The first one converting from Deadlock is using Deadlock's hipfire FOV (60 vdeg) as the base for the zoom calculations.
    The second one is using CS2's hipfire FOV (90 Hdeg 4:3, about 73.74 vdeg), so since the source is different, the calculations will also be different.
    You should use the calculations for the game you are coming from.
    You can avoid this by also using MDH 100% on hipfire btw, when the aims will be the same even if you reverse the calculation.
  20. DPI Wizard's post in Battlefield Sensitivity/DPI was marked as the answer   
    That's not how the sensitivity in Battlefield works. You need to convert from old to new DPI, which is part of the reason this calculator exists.
    For instance like this.
  21. DPI Wizard's post in BattleField 1 sensitivity calculations are inconsistent it seems. HELP plz was marked as the answer   
    Please use the share function, it makes it a lot easier to just click your link rather than replicating an image
    Here's your first conversion: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=7dc2672dc1558f24cb2b713787de3bce
    And here's your second one with the proper sensitivity 1: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=a13b57dca012d5621af902e1cb37e2a7
    So the result is the same, i.e. no inconsistency.
  22. DPI Wizard's post in Pixel ratio 1:1 was marked as the answer   
    When converting between different DPI's as you do here, pixel ratio is completely irrelevant.
    It will always be different by default since your are moving the same distance with a different DPI on your mouse, so it is expected to change.
    The pixel ratio is a direct product of the resolution, FOV, DPI and 360 distance, so if you change any of these factors, the outcome will change.
  23. DPI Wizard's post in how to convert from first person to 3rd person with monitor coefficient was marked as the answer   
    The last link includes everything.
  24. DPI Wizard's post in Unable to convert ads profile from Apex legends to tom clancy Breakpoint, Please Help was marked as the answer   
    This is due to the limited sensitivity range in the game. Your only option is to use a DPI of 250 or lower for Breakpoint.
  25. DPI Wizard's post in Calabiyau / Strinova Scoped Sensitivity not 1:1 was marked as the answer   
    First of all, thanks a lot for the video, this helps immensely in understanding what the issue is!
    1. Shoulder Fire:
    This is an ADS aim, and with the setup you have in the calculator, 360 distance is not the target for the conversion. Tracking speed is, which is the speed at which you have to move your mouse to track a moving target:
    If you want the same 360 distance as hipfire, you need to set the ADS conversion to 360 distance: 

    2. Ashe vs Marksman Rifle
    Again, the conversion is based on the tracking speed of your Overwatch hipfire sensitivity, so it's not expected to have the same 360 distance. Matching 360 distance between hipfire and scopes will in most cases make the scope insanely sensitive and practically impossible to aim with, if not just plain impossible to configure due to the sensitivity range in the game. Also matching 360 distance between scopes in different games makes no sense, as they in most cases will have a completely different FOV. The main goal of a scope sensitivity is to keep the aim the same, i.e. the movement to what you can see on the screen.
    You can turn on the advanced mode in the calculator to see the full details of the conversions, where the actual 360 distance is displayed.
    I don't know your exact conversion, but if it's something like this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=b18c43ccc759ec230f1ba67d20f8dad8 - then the expected 360 distance for Marksman Rifle in Strinova is 109.5059 cm, while Widowmaker is 125.6535 cm. Since these values are based on the goal of achieving the same tracking speed, doing 360 rotations will only make sense if you use the calculated 360 distance for each scope.
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