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DPI Wizard

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  1. DPI Wizard's post in Changing Escape From Tarkov sensitivity accurately (config) and quickly was marked as the answer   
    You have to restart the game unfortunately.
  2. DPI Wizard's post in Hunt: Showdown convusion with ADS/IronSights Sensitivity was marked as the answer   
    Use the in-game location if you want to set the sensitivity in-game, the aims have different names.

    The point of the
    Shoulder Aim (Hipfire)
    Shoulder Aim (ADS)
    for in-game and
    <Attr name="HipMouseSensitivity" value=""/> (Hipfire)
    <Attr name="HipMouseSensitivity" value=""/> (ADS)
    for the config file is to give you the choice to match Shoulder Aim to the Hipfire setup or ADS setup, because some want it to be treated like an aim while others want it to be hipfire.
  3. DPI Wizard's post in Matching Hipfire distance with 3.0X in Warzone was marked as the answer   
    If affects all scopes, so you might have to re-calculate and try different values to get it working with all your aims.
  4. DPI Wizard's post in Chaos Converting Overwatch Sens to Siege Sens was marked as the answer   
    You have to set all the values in the config file exactly as they are in the output of the calculator.
  5. DPI Wizard's post in Convert sens from cs:go to battlefield 5. Help plz!! was marked as the answer   
    Scroll down in the calculator to see the game notes.

  6. DPI Wizard's post in Monitor Distance Coefficient doesn't add a placeholder anymore? was marked as the answer   
    The coefficient is referring to the Sensitivity 2 field for the games that supports this. This Sensitivity 2 value will be calculated based on the resolution and conversion method setup for the scope.
  7. DPI Wizard's post in How to convert ads between games with monitor distance? was marked as the answer   
    For ADS (and scopes) you want to keep the aim consistent, meaning the same mouse movement to either track a target or flick to a point on the monitor. You don't (in most cases) want the same 360 distance as that will make the aim very different depending on the FOV.
    For certain games (where you run around a lot while ADS'ing) using 360 distance might be viable since you navigate a lot while ADS'ing.
    0% will keep the tracking speed the same and is generally the most preferred method. Some might find it too slow though.
    Unless you have very specific preferences you should always use one source for all your conversions, and use the "All" aim whenever possible. This will do all calculations simultaneously and eliminate most pitfalls that might break the consistency.
    Ideally like this so the ADS is based on hipfire using MDV 0%: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=d0ffd31f15530edf6ca70fc211106075
    But if 0.34 is what you want to use do like this instead where the scale for ADS and scope is adjusted so the calculator correctly calculates your ADS sensitivity and uses this for all other games as well: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=66e85b1e04baa25667ef1d22208ec0b8
  8. DPI Wizard's post in 4:3 stretched conversion to 16:9 was marked as the answer   
    No, the first one is correct, except you should use the native resolution when changing the aspect ratio. It won't make a difference in this case, but that's the point of the selection. Changing FOV in CSGO affects the sensitivity, and will not give you the correct value unless you actually change it in the game.
  9. DPI Wizard's post in Apex scalars, settings.cfg was marked as the answer   
    Yes, it's not currently in use by the game.
  10. DPI Wizard's post in SCUM - Sensitivity Calculation Incorrect was marked as the answer   
    I just updated the game with correct calculations and instructions on how to disable smoothing.
    Also added scope, but the "All" calculation doesn't work at the moment so you have to do each aim separately.
    bEnableMouseSmoothing add frames to smooth out the mouse movement. So instead of for instance moving 100 counts instantly in one frame the game might smooth it out to 2 or 3 frames. This causes a floaty and disconnected feeling.
    bViewAccelerationEnabled is simply acceleration, so the faster you move your mouse the faster you move in-game.
  11. DPI Wizard's post in Modern Warfare ADS FOV was marked as the answer   
    See the "Actual FOV" in the output when you select the aim: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=bd9839b618ab351f98632e17aef7975a
    (Enter your own resolution etc)
  12. DPI Wizard's post in Recoil (Roblox) missing FoV option was marked as the answer   
    Recoil is updated now, pretty much everything was changed with the introduction of adjustable FOV.
  13. DPI Wizard's post in dayz sensitivity was marked as the answer   
    It's config file sensitivity, see the game info section in the calculator.
  14. DPI Wizard's post in apex legends What is Mouse_use_per_scope_sensitivity_scalars was marked as the answer   
    If you set it to 1 you can set the sensitivity scalar for each scope power (so a different sensitivity for 1x, 2x 3x etc), if you set it to 0 you can only set one scalar which affects all scopes.
    Settings it to 0 is effectively the same as using the same sensitivity value for all scopes.
  15. DPI Wizard's post in page start up causes error was marked as the answer   
    It should be enough to just click in any field then the arrow keys or something to trigger a re-calculation.
    There's been some changes to the infrastructure that slowed down the server requests (so the calculation fires before the numbers are loaded), this will be addressed in an update later today.
    I'll @ you when it's published so you can test.
  16. DPI Wizard's post in Sensitivities aren't saving was marked as the answer   
    Fixed this now, sorry for the bug!
  17. DPI Wizard's post in The drop-down list with games does not open was marked as the answer   
    You had some corrupt save entries, I've fixed it now so try again.
  18. DPI Wizard's post in Difference between matching with MDH 0% and Viewspeed was marked as the answer   
    See the instructions for a brief explanation of Viewspeed. If you want to get really technical, see this and this.
    With 0% you remove any coefficient and just use the FOV in and FOV out directly against each other. This results in the sensitivity being identical in terms of speed and not distance.
  19. DPI Wizard's post in R6 to Apex was marked as the answer   
    Assuming all aims are set to 47, this would be the best approach. Note the FOV change for Apex too to match R6:
  20. DPI Wizard's post in Apex to Kovaak conversion was marked as the answer   
    It's only the same if you also switch FOV Measurement from Vertical 1:1 to Apex/Quake/Src/4:3 in the game.
  21. DPI Wizard's post in Can the calculator convert sensitivity to a new FOV? was marked as the answer   
    Well yes, that's basically what it's for
  22. DPI Wizard's post in page start up was marked as the answer   
    The theme was broken, fixed it now.
    Thanks for reporting!
  23. DPI Wizard's post in Halo 4 regular sens to apex legends 1x sens - What is the Apex Legends overall sens? was marked as the answer   
    Ok, I understand now.
    Do like this then: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=254452441a00d8ede8e38399bf85d4a4
    This will match the 1X Scope in Apex to Halo hipfire. Hipfire in Apex will be calculated based on the Hipfire / Look setup, set to MDV 0% in this example.
  24. DPI Wizard's post in Wanting to confirm if my setup is correct please. was marked as the answer   
    This looks good and all the settings make sense. The Scale portion is mostly useful to be able to match certain game settings you are used to and convert it to other games. Using 100% is most common.
  25. DPI Wizard's post in Call of Duty 2 sensitivity values are incorrect? was marked as the answer   
    I forgot you're doing 360 distance here, but I launched the game now to test and in fact it is affected by FOV if your aspect ratio is 16:9 or above. So I assume you are running 16:9?
    If you change to 4:3 you should get the expected distance with sensitivity 3.
    I've updated the calculator now to account for this, so try to convert again
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