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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. There is too much smoothing in this game, so it can't be added.
  2. Hipfire and ADS sensitivity added! View full update
  3. DPI Wizard

    Deceit 2

    Hipfire and ADS sensitivity added!
  4. This is the vertical movement (it has the same wording as horizontal, can be a bit confusing). The horizontal movement is 6.096 cm. To match the crosshair to edge movement to this, set the Windows / 2D conversion setup to MDH 100%: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=edd8d784fe94306bef13d4810207d608 Advanced mode is selected here, so you can see in the bottom of the Valorant calculations that MDH 100% is equal to 3.0495 centimeters mouse movement as you want it
  5. They scale it to the 4:3 FOV like CSGO etc, so MDV 133.3333%.
  6. Note that sensitivity in this game is affected by vertical resolution. View full update
  7. Note that sensitivity in this game is affected by vertical resolution.
  8. That's not possible since the site uses period as the decimal separator. And the memory editor will use either "," or "." depending on your local settings. I'll add a note to the game though.
  9. That would help a lot, sent you a PM.
  10. I need to borrow a QQ account for this!
  11. What you have done is correct, but one caveat of this conversion is that the sensitivity changes a lot with the FOV. So you will not get any consistency in terms of 360 distance for hipfire, but the pixel ratio will stay the same (this is essentially MDV 0%). The difference between FOV 103 and 80 is basically the same difference as hipfire and ADS in many games, so preserving the tracking speed rather than 360 might make sense in that context. But if you prefer the same 360 distance for hipfire, my advice is to convert from desktop to hipfire for a "normal" FOV like 103, then use the result of this (i.e. the Overwatch sensitivity) as the base for your other conversions and set the hipfire conversion to 360 distance.
  12. Remember that the pixels refer to the physical pixels on your monitor, so they never change. At FOV 80 each pixels covers less FOV than at 103, so if you want to move one pixel, you have to move further at 80 (assuming the 360 distance does not change with FOV).
  13. It scales the same way. There's nothing really weird about how the scopes works in PUBG in relation to hipfire, but it lacks any kind of distortion like you typically have in Modern Warfare 2 etc.
  14. Instead of scaling FOV by locking the 16:9 portion and adding on (or subtracting) the extra width (i.e. Hdeg 16:9), a seemingly random multiplier is applied when the aspect ratio changes. This change also directly affects sensitivity since the game scales everything to the actual horizontal FOV. The FOV is scaled like this:
  15. They are out of range, but the "All" calculation for config file 1 is not able to show it due to how it works to show the entire sensitivity blob in one calculation. If you switch to Config File 2 you will see it: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=ac2a619023d4425dd1d699897a355e0b The calculator accounts for this at least up to 21:9, but I've only verified it for the usual aspect ratios. The way PUBG handles FOV is a real mess.
  16. Yeah, the challenge is that it's not possible to do mathematically, it has to be done programmatically. So it basically has to iterate through tens of thousands of percent/power/scale combinations to find the best ones across all aims. I will make it so it tests both ADS alone, scope alone, and both combined. This is the work in progress, when it's done it will be in a nicer layout for the result, and have the ability to click the conversion you want to use
  17. MDD is actually quite useful in the next feature I'm working on, which is to reverse-engineer the best method and percent/power/scale values based on existing sensitivity settings. So if you have settings that are a bit out of whack, MDD can sometimes be massaged to fit it better than other methods.
  18. I've updated the range now from 0.1 to 2.76
  19. Nice, I've updated it now.
  20. Interesting idea. If I understand it correctly, you can almost achieve the same result by adjusting the MDD variables?
  21. Is it renamed EasyAim btw? Or is that just a staging thing?
  22. Nothing has changed, and it's still correct as far as I can tell. It's not x2 of Valorant though, Lazyaim is based on pi, Valorant is not. And any value I test is spot on, is there any particular conversion you don't see matches the actual sensitivity? If you test with scripts you should see that the movement is 100% correct.
  23. These two are added.
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