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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Sensitivity for this game can only be set in the registry. View full update
  2. The sensitivity settings in the demo is different from the release version.
  3. Moving a certain distance is of course slower with a lower sensitivity, but there's no delay.
  4. Good idea, I've added it to the "Actual VFOV" line in the advanced output now!
  5. This is updated now. In the previous version when the game was analyzed, ADS and Ironsights shared the 1x setting. Since it's separated now, it affects all calculations. Do note that the old calculations were correct for everything except ironsights, and now that Aim Down Sight Horizontal Sensitivity is linked to ironsights it changes all the other values accordingly.
  6. This does not solve the problem unfortunately. It changes the behaviour, but it's still all over the place in terms of accuracy.
  7. The calculations are correct, but the sensitivity slider is inaccurate. Instead of dragging it, enter the numbers manually, and it should be spot on. Note that the distance you should enter into the sensitivity matcher is 43.9871 (Horizontal Speed), as this is slightly corrected compared to the base sensitivity due to lack of decimals
  8. The new command should work, the one that was listed under the "Alpha 21+" special option. I've removed this option now and replaced the command in the regular calculation with the new one as the alpha 21 is released now. It's working as intended here, but as always you need to exit and enter the world to make the change take effect. Let me know if you still have issues, if it's not working in some cases I can also add the registry calculation as an option.
  9. Select the sensitivity for the aim you want to use, as you can only match one for targeting and one for scope. The values are different when you convert the other way since the FOV is different. If you use the same FOV for Kovaak's (50.534016 in your case), then the all the values will be the same when you reverse the calculation.
  10. The config file was the same, but the in-game scale was changed a lot. It's updated now, but note that you still have to use a polling rate of 250 Hz or lower to avoid smoothing/negative acceleration.
  11. It's still spot on here, what are your exact settings and what is the sensitivity compared to what it should be?
  12. Yes, this is correct.
  13. This was not the correct way of doing it if you didn't also set the vertical ADS to 100. The calculator now calculates all values, there's no reason to not use the suggested values as the end result is the same for scopes, but there is no ambiguity when it comes to vertical sens.
  14. But you are comparing hipfire to hipfire, correct? Have you tried to verify the 360 distance with scripts?
  15. Can you link the conversion and let me know exactly which aims are slow/fast?
  16. BattleBit is updated so it now calculates all needed values when using the "All" conversion.
  17. Seems like an oversight by devs! Good you got it working though.
  18. Are you using comma (,) or period (.)? The game only accepts period here, but it might depend on your regional settings.
  19. Yes, you need to match the conversion setup to your game settings. For CSGO this means setting ADS and Scope to MDV 133.3333% and Scale 100%. This will calculate the zoom sensitivity to "1" for all scopes. When converting to any other game, the same conversion will be applied, preserving the exact same sensitivity based on the FOV of the scopes. For hipfire you can either to the same, or keep it at 360 distance, depending on your preference.
  20. You are comparing the hipfire of Valorant with the hipfire of BattleBit, correct? Have you set all the calculated values in the BattleBit config? You should set Aim Down Sight Horizontal Sensitivity to 80 to match your calculated Mouse Horizontal Sensitivity btw, not have it set to 100.
  21. Hipfire should be spot on here, are you sure your mouse driver doesn't load a different DPI profile or something when starting Battlebit?
  22. It has changed indeed, I've updated it and increased the accuracy as it also supports three decimals now.
  23. Unsupported unfortunately, since the sensitivity scales in an irregular manner.
  24. This game has a sensitivity scale so irregular that it can't be put into a calculation formula.
  25. You might not have a password set on your account since it was created using the Google integration, go here to set one and see if you then can log in with email and password.
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