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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. I've added a new special option now specifically for the Mouse Fix mod.
  2. ADS and scopes added, but only for "PreserveFOVScaling" as this is how the base game actually works.
  3. Support for both with and without FOV scaling is added now.
  4. No, this is correct for that specific equation (137.02 degrees): https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=2*atan(2*20%2F15.748)+radians
  5. The issue is that even with 60 FPS consistent you will occasionally get small drops to 59.9, 59.8 etc, and even this small drop makes a big impact on the sensitivity. So any calculation will be inaccurate and unusable unfortunately.
  6. 1:1 sens is not a thing, you have to choose one aspect of the sensitivity to match. If you want the same 360 distance, you have to set the ADS and Scope conversion to 360 distance. But note that this will make the 40X etc completely unusable as they will skip a lot of pixels with the smallest movement, making it practically impossible to aim at anything.
  7. I've clarified it now, and will add support for both!
  8. This also goes for all the sensitivity values, and they will appear in a random order
  9. Then 1.5714 is indeed correct!
  10. Absolutely correct, it's like this: While this is not common, there's quite a few games with a different scaling before and after a specific value. The real nightmare is when there's multiple scales and the cutoff is less obvious, we've got a few of those too!
  11. Aiming and scope coming soon™.
  12. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing etc, a mod is needed to fix the current issues. View full update
  13. DPI Wizard

    Remnant II

    See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing etc, a mod is needed to fix the current issues.
  14. No, 110 in-game is 1.55 in the config file, check the value in %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\profile\profile.cfg if you are unsure
  15. This is wrong, the config file FOV is a multiplier of 70, while the in-game FOV scale of 70 to 110 corresponds to multiplier 1 to 1.55 in the config file, which in turn makes 110 in-game 108.5 in reality
  16. DPI Wizard


    Games added Hellbreach: Vegas Gorebox Games updated Roblox - Added Rise of the Dead. Starsiege: Deadzone - Updated max FOV. World War Z - Added ADS for first person view. Ironsight - Fixed ADS FOV when configured FOV is lower than the ADS FOV. Remnant: From the Ashes - Updated calculations.
  17. ADS for first person is added now. Rise of the Dead is added.
  18. Unsupported because sensitivity has a lot of smoothing and is currently affected by framerate and polling rate.
  19. Correct, this is updated now
  20. Hellbreach and GoreBox are added.
  21. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing and set the sensitivity. View full update
  22. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing and set the sensitivity.
  23. Sensitivity for this game can only be set accurately in the registry. View full update
  24. DPI Wizard


    Sensitivity for this game can only be set accurately in the registry.
  25. Nice, it's updated now.
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