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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. That's as good as you can get it in-game
  2. Nice, I've added the zoom sensitivity now.
  3. The FOV for the zoom for the bow is the same as the FOV you have configured for the game.
  4. Unless there's some weapon mastery for the bow that I missed that gives you zoom, when you right click the camera just moves in closer, it doesn't zoom. The FOV and 360 distance stays the same.
  5. The config file has changed to one encoded in hex. The sensitivity can still be set in the config file, but it's not as straight forward as usual. I've updated the calculations and instructions now
  6. That is the case for all 3rd person games, since the camera is not in the center of rotation. If you measure the distance against objects that are really far away, like a static cloud/star in the skybox or a mountain in the background, you will get more consistent results. Note that you also have to line up the camera completely straight.
  7. FOV Type is only related to what the game uses to calculate the actual FOV, it's not relevant to the conversion or your aspect ratio. The only important metric for the conversion is the actual HFOV or VFOV. As CSGO is locked to 90 Hdeg 4:3 (unless you have cheats enabled), you don't need to change this based on your aspect ratio. If you want to convert from 1280x960 stretched to 2560x1440 the only choices you have to make is if you want to match the horizontal or vertical sensitivity, and how you want to match them. For vertical there's no difference, since only the horizontal axis is stretched. So the vertical sensitivity is identical in both cases. For the horizontal you have to decide if you want to match it based on 360 distance (which would be the same), monitor distance vertical 0%, 133.3333% or monitor distance horizontal 100% etc. Which one feels best is down to what you prefer.
  8. These are added.
  9. Thanks, I've updated the info!
  10. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  11. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
  12. Just added! View full update
  13. DPI Wizard


    Just added!
  14. There are thousands of different ways games do this, which is why each one has to be analyzed and reverse engineered. It can be as simple as: 100/sens Some factor of pi/sens Or as in CSGO etc where it is 360/(sens*yaw) Or much more complicated when: 0 or negative numbers are valid Different scaling depending on the sensitivity value FOV affects the sensitivity in different ways The sensitivity is logarithmic or exponential The sensitivity has limits where it stops scaling Counts/360 is unrelated to DPI though, cm or inch/360 is what you get when you factor in the DPI as well.
  15. 104% because that is what matches ADS in Legacy MW with ADS sens 0.51 and FOV 120. This is just trial and error currently, but a tool to reverse this is coming later! And for Relative it was done manually as well, by adjusting the coefficient until all the ADS sens were 1. You can use any coefficient btw, but it's easier to find the one where the ADS sens is 1 so you don't have to adjust them all and potentially set them to different numbers based on their FOV.
  16. Then this is the best conversion to relative: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=a16d8b5934722e125320073af4d49659 So with this conversion you can set the coefficient to 0.38 and all the scopes to 1.
  17. Awesome, will try it. Hope it works for now!
  18. I've added support for this now, also update the calculation to take into account frame rate, as well as updated the instructions on how to disable smoothing.
  19. Yes it does, as long as the vertical sensitivity is 1:1 to the horizontal.
  20. What is your FOV, DPI and resolution?
  21. I've been trying to find a way to add this game for a few days, but unfortunately it's unsupported due to issues with negative acceleration in addition to an irregular sensitivity scale, so it can't be added.
  22. This game has some issues with negative acceleration in addition to an irregular sensitivity scale, so it can't be added.
  23. Updated this now.
  24. Squad is updated now
  25. Squad is updated, but more scopes will be added!
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