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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. I'll look into it. What are your DPI and desired 360 distance? And have you changed FOV? I've seen CS games mess up the sensitivity if you have at one point changed FOV, but I'm not done mapping exactly what happens.
  2. Hey, ArmA 3 is already in the calculator
  3. I'll look into that!
  4. In the poll now!
  5. Doh, you're right, merged them now The vehicle calculations are just for the tank driver, the gunner use almost the same sensitivity as infantry (an update with precise calculations is coming). Since the the main turret have a maximum speed/acceleration, it will feel sluggish (intentional and by design obviously) and actual distance/360 will vary depening on your DPI settings and how fast you move your mouse. You need to move your mouse very slowly to get the calculated distance. It will only turn about half way around if you move your mouse quickly over the calculated distance.
  6. I've played around with GstInput.Scheme0Sensitivity a little bit now, and it does not affect the sensitivity at all on my system. The counts/360 remains exactly the same when it is changed. BF4 also feels as snappy as BF3 for me, but I've read a lot of comments about BF4 feeling sluggish in comparison to BF3 for some people. Are you on Windows 8/8.1?
  7. I've used the standard values, I'll do some checks with different values and see how it affects the sensitivity
  8. I haven't got access to Nether yet, if someone could send me a guest key I'll add it as soon as I can (use the mail icon under Social Profiles)!
  9. Added some Payne to the poll
  10. I'm checking these soon. Warface is as you probably know pretty terrible on mouse response (if you move your mouse slowly nothing is registered), so it's hard to measure it.
  11. Added it to the poll!
  12. Added aim sensitivities is a feature that is coming
  13. Is it off by much? Warface has a lot of issues registering mouse input, even at 125 Hz. If you move your mouse slowly the crosshair won't move at all
  14. Do you have both a config.cfg and config_mp.cfg in the players2 folder? I think singleplayer and multiplayer use different files, so if you editing the config.cfg file it does not affect the multiplayer settings.
  15. So with 450 DPI and 76 cm/360, the calculator says sensitivity 1.215311, but this actually gives you about 42 cm physical distance for a 360? And with 1150 DPI and 22 cm the sensitivity is 1.642831, but this gives you about 18 cm correct?
  16. Ok, try that. Fovely didn't work correctly for me when I tried it, so the caluclations with FOV might be wrong. Is the distance correct if you leave the FOV at default in the calculator? I'll try with fovely again later today!
  17. What's your DPI, and do you use the FOV "hack"? And have you confirmed the the Pointer Speed in Windows is set to 6?
  18. I've put them on the list now. Next game I add will probably be Chivalry, I'll see if I can get it done today
  19. I think the best thing to do is to change the mouse settings in-game, and see which options.xml file under which folder that gets updated, and then change this file.
  20. Added them to the upcoming list. Dota and other RTS games are planned too!
  21. Yes, it will be added as soon as possible after launch
  22. They are added to the upcoming list.
  23. I've put it on the upcoming list now.
  24. If you set the resolution to 4:3 aspect ratio, you'll see that it takes exactly four fields of view to turn 360 degrees, so it is definitely 90 default Using horizontal FOV is a little problematic though, because it usualy refers to the 4:3 FOV. When you are using 16:9 it is actually wider. I'm planning to add more advanced FOV features in the future.
  25. I just added Warface!
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