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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Added Painkiller to the poll. An app is currently in development, and will bring a lot of new features
  2. Correct, this is fixed now
  3. It's a little tricky, but I'll add a feature that will do this for you in the upcoming app. For Source games you should stay below 3 though to be on the safe side.
  4. Yes, I just hope it will be released soon, I've been waiting for DayZ standalone for ages!
  5. Thanks, I'll update Quake Live!
  6. They are using the same game engine and sensitivity. What you see as min and max in the menus are usually not the limits of the game, you need to edit the config file to go beyond these values
  7. That's a little above pixel accurate, so it should be good.
  8. Added to the poll!
  9. Killing Floor is actually very special, and requires resolution/aspect ratio to correctly calculate sensitivity. This is coming in the app
  10. What values are you using?
  11. They are in the poll now
  12. I've done a few tests with GstInput.Scheme0Sensitivity, and it does absolutely nothing to the mouse sensitivity on my system. The counts/360 remains exactly the same when it is changed. I don't know if this is dependent on the hardware and configuration you are running on though, it might act differently on another system. I'll do more testing at a later point
  13. I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately you can only adjust the hipfire and vehicle driver sensitivity in BF4, all others like ADS for different scopes and gunners are basically based on those with multipliers. The best thing you can do in BF4 and other games that don't support more granular settings is to quick-switch the DPI for different situations if your mouse software supports this. An upcoming feature will allow you to calculate this
  14. Added to the poll
  15. BF4 is still the same, make sure that raw mouse input is on. Also remember that mouse sensors usually do not deliver the exact DPI they are set to, so your measurement might be a little off compared to the calculations.
  16. That should be enough, your minimum movement is about 1 pixel so that's good
  17. Viewmodel_fov is how the weapons are rendered if I recall correctly, not your actual FOV. Unless you have changed the default, it should be 90.
  18. I'll look into it ASAP!
  19. Will do some updates during the weekend
  20. Correct SpookyVII. I'm adding a more advanced FOV feature in a future update to hopefully avoid any confusion regarding horizontal FOV, vertical FOV and aspect ratio
  21. CS: GO won't let you change FOV without cheats or some 3rd party application. Try using the default FOV (90, just don't enter anything in the field and it will use the default) in the calculator, and see if the calculations are correct for you.
  22. It's probably a bit down the voting list since it is in early access atm. I'll see if I get it added very soon, I want to prioritize new games
  23. What game, dpi, fov, wps and sensitivity/distance are you using? And what is the measured distance compared to the calculated one?
  24. It is 90 unless you have a 3rd party FOV changer or are playing on a server with cheats enabled and change the fov_cs_debug value in the console.
  25. Added! All games will be added eventually, bu I've set it up as a poll so I have a priority list to go by
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