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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Loadout will be added in a few hours!
  2. You didn't mess anything up, the gunner sensitivity is based on the normal sensitivity, and does not have it's own setting unfortunately
  3. It will be added soon!
  4. Right-click the Planetside 2 shortcut and select "Open file location", this is where the config file should be.
  5. Yeah, I'll add Arma 2 so the files in the info are correct etc
  6. Try to make the file read-only, and/or try to set the sensitivity from the console.
  7. I will make an article explaining some of the concepts at a later point Some formulas like the Source engine ones are well known, (360/(SENS*0.022))/DPI, but a lot of the others I have to reverse-engineer. Some are very complicated and literally takes days to get right and perfect!
  8. Hi! I just tried your formula, and the results are very close to the calculator indeed! The correct formula is however a lot simpler All formulas are pulled from a database and calculated serverside as you figured out. Unreal 3 games are pretty much all the same, but some are not affected by FOV, and some, like BioShock Infinite, are completely different. I will make an explanation of some common formulas (like the well known Source engine one and Unreal 3) in an article later, but as an answer to you, the Unreal 3 forumla is simply: Distance (inches) = ((65536/SENS)*(DFOV/FOV))/DPI DFOV = Default FOV (usually 90). Hope this helps
  9. Thank you too
  10. Updated it now, they did change something. Basically if you were using the default sensitivity (5) it was the same, but it scales differently now.
  11. Right, I found out what they changed, calculator is updated!
  12. Several people are reporting this, I'll look into it. Initially it seems the same, but the scaling might have changed so I'll do some tests
  13. I just checked Rust with the latest update, and it's the same as before here. Have you tried changing the sensitivity in the console in the game to see if that helps? More people are reporting it is different though, I'll look more into it.
  14. Sure, I'll add them, hopefully they are the same as DayZ mod
  15. They all use the same algorithm (the same as Source games etc), but Quake 1 do have a bit of acceleration even with -dinput turned on. Is it off by much for you?
  16. You have to create the file if it's not there
  17. Added! View full update
  18. Added it to the poll, will try to add it to the calculator soon!
  19. The Minecraft sensitivity is not the ingame slider with percentage, it's the value in the config file
  20. The sensitivity is the same for 4:3 and 16:9, this is correct for CSGO. Is raw mouse input on, and acceleration off? And lastly, are you using the default FOV?
  21. At the moment DayZ standalone has so bad mouse input registration it is impossible to calculate. Try moving your mouse quickly from left to right and see, the crosshair barely moves :/ I will add it when it is fixed
  22. If you have the option for raw mouse input, that is enough. I will test the -noforce commands when I have the chance for older versions of the games.
  23. Thanks, I'll try this and update the game info!
  24. This is correct. The CoD and CS series both use the same sensitivity algorithms. They do however differ in how and if they are affected by FOV and WPS, but with default FOV they will always be the same. PS: The default FOV is not the same in those games, so it's correct that they are different
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