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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. True, but I don't think Payday 2 has a separate sensitivity setting for aimed, so you will have to quick-switch DPI to get a slower movement.
  2. FOV plays a major part in matching desktop sensitivity, so the 360 distance will vary depending on FOV. As promised earlier, I will make some explaining graphics soon!
  3. The way aiming works in this game (autoscrolling when moving towards edges) makes it impossible to calculate and copy the feel from a straight up FPS game. However the base sensitivity is the same as other Unreal Engine 3 games, but there is some acceleration when not using Harrier Free Aim.
  4. Payday 2 is already in the calculator
  5. There is actually, and it is requested by several people I need to make a whole new calculator mode for it however, it's on my todo list!
  6. I will make some explaining graphics soon so it is clear exacly what this does. But in short, you do not need the same FOV across games, in fact one of the key points of desktop mode is that you can play with different FOV's, but keep the same physical distance on the screen. Whether it helps aiming or not is personal preference. The normal calculator uses a mouse-constant distance to rotate 360 degrees. To some people this is the most important, so they know by muscle memory how far to move the mouse to spin say 90 degrees. Desktop mode on the other hand uses a constant screen distance instead. What this means is that if you see an object on your screen, and want to move your crosshair to that object, the distance you have to move your mouse is exactly the same regardless of FOV. So say an object pops up in game in your lower left corner where your start button is in Windows. The distance needed to move your crosshair here is the same as moving your mouse pointer from the middle of the screen to the start button. Now if you change FOV, this distance will change, hence the different 360 distance in CS:GO and BF. Some games do adjust sensitivity with FOV however. Some pictures and arrows will make this a little easier to understand!
  7. Added now, please pay attention to the notes!
  8. DPI Wizard

    Strike Vector

    Added now, please pay attention to the notes!
  9. Thanks, there is a little problem with the FOV calculation. Fixed for now!
  10. Indeed as Latent says, you need to change the DPI for the new game, not the current (input game). The reasons for this is that some games cannot match the DPI/distance settings of other games due to limitations in their sensitiviity settings. This also means that you need mouse driver software that have the ability to change DPI accordingly.
  11. Nosgoth is added, with both hipfire and aimed sensitivity.
  12. DPI Wizard


    Nosgoth is added, with both hipfire and aimed sensitivity.
  13. Added now!
  14. Ready for Legion! View full update
  15. Try the console command if you can, some games have issues with the config file.
  16. Installing it right now!
  17. The free weekend starting this weekend should be a good time!
  18. I'll look into it!
  19. Just checked now, and the sensitivity is the same as far as I can tell. They may have changed or fixed some minor acceleration issues, but the base sensitivity and unaccelerated distance/360 should remain the same. I will do some further testing though.
  20. Paypal is the easiest integrated supported method of payment, that's why it's the only option for now. But I know a lot of people prefer other methods, since Paypal requires quite a lot of personal information to use. I'll see if I can set up alternative methods, the only difference would be that they require a manual confirmation. What would be your preferred way?
  21. You can do this in two ways: Start a subscription, and then cancel it in paypal, or buy a $1.5 gift voucher and use it to pay with There is no (easy) way of making a more obvious way to pay a one off fee in this framework unfortunately.
  22. Make you sure you check out the brand new DPI Analyzer! It still needs some work, but should do the job for the most part. Please post any feedback here!
  23. I can be done, however it may lead to some pretty weird DPI's for people that are using very low DPI and 30-40-50 cm 360's. I'll see what I can do with it Right now I'm working on a nifty little tool I think a lot of people will find handy, and I'm doing Face of Mankind next
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