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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. You can try to make the config.cfg file read-only. Or set the sensitivity in-game if the precision is good enough with two decimals.
  2. There was an error in the max sensitivity for Wickland, try again now!
  3. The numbers calculated seems correct as far as I can tell. Are you using raw mouse input as well? Are calculations for BF3 correct?
  4. Just updated this game to reflect the latest build, and also added calculations for in-game settings. Change aim to swap between in-game and config file calculations!
  5. Just updated this game to reflect the latest build, and also added calculations for in-game settings. Change aim to swap between in-game and config file calculations!
  6. Thank you all! Downloading now, and I'll try to update this game tonight.
  7. Added! But as usual with these console ports, mouse sensitivity settings are really bad.
  8. Added! But as usual with these console ports, mouse sensitivity settings are really bad.
  9. Added! And this is the Jagex version from Steam.
  10. Added! This is the Jagex version from Steam.
  11. What game specifically is this? The config.cfg file might be located in a different folder depening on your setup.
  12. It's up now!
  13. Added!
  14. Added!
  15. Was already working on this, just added it!
  16. Added! View full update
  17. Hi Cancel the subscription in Paypal, and you will unsubscribe here as well. Thanks!
  18. Sensitivity in Warface is unaffected by FOV, so that should matter. The default FOV is 75 in 4:3 resolution, for 16:9 it's 91.31. As for a tool for measuring mouse distance, that's kinda what the analyzer does, but I guess the output could have been different for what you are asking. Maybe I can do some updates to it. Are you using the steam version? I just checked against it, and the calculations are spot on for me.
  19. Wickland is up now!
  20. Got the game now, will add it during the weekend!
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