This is highly requested and doable, so I will do it! I need to make a whole new calculator for it though, as it can't be integrated into the existing I think. It's high up on my todo list, but since there's quite a bit of programming to be done it will take a little time. Without making any promises, I'll say 1-2 months! Then again I might start working on it this weekend and get it ready in a week... But it shall be done!
I've had some private messages regarding this on how you guys would like it:
1:1 movement on mouse to screensize (regardless of resolution)? Meaning bigger screen = more movement.
1:1 movement between mouse and pixels?
If you convert from an FPS game, to OSU, would you like the FOV movement to match the whole playfield on OSU?
You guys know best, so give me some feedback and I'll make it