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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. $265 million is apparently not enough to properly convert a console to PC and get smooth mouse movement... But I will have it ready by today for hipfire. I will also try to do the rest of them (plane etc) soon.
  2. Updated; FPS does not affect sensitivity anymore, less lag all around and 3rd person aim is added! View full update
  3. Yes, I can do this I think. It's been requested by several people, I just haven't got around to do it yet (requires some coding).
  4. Unfortunately this game has so much acceleration it's impossible to calculate the sensitivity. Trying to adjust MouseSmoothThreshold in the config file does not do much. If anyone knows a trick or two that disables it, let me know!
  5. It should work with Paypal without creditcard if you buy a Voucher. This will give you a code you can use to buy subscription, one payment at a time. Unfortunately the framwork this site is based is a little clunky here, but I'll look into improving it!
  6. I will update the calculator soon! Same values as BF4 indeed.
  7. This just in...!
  8. Updated to the new version of the game.
  9. Updated, added a "New" option under aim. Thanks for the heads up!
  10. I will check this! I have already made the calculator support coefficients, so I can maybe add the zoom sensitivity to this field.
  11. What exactly do you mean? There should be a resolution option there already
  12. As a temporary workaround I have removed FOV from the calculations. This means that the calculator is only correct when using default FOV, but this is better than just being wrong I need to work on the coding to fix the FOV issue.
  13. Thanks, found the error. There is a problem with the FOV portion of the calculation (again!). The formula is correct, but it's using the wrong FOV value. Looking into it now.
  14. Tested with the latest release now, and it seems to be right on the spot still. Be sure you are using the right calculation, as there is one for the in-game setting, and one for the setting in the config file!
  15. While it may be the best option for most people, and technically the most appropriate, a wast majority prefers a constant 360 distance. For now anyway...
  16. I definitely need to do this, there is some explanation in the dedicated calculator topics, but I need some graphics and stuff to explain it better, as it can be difficult to understand.
  17. This is what the desktop calculator does. It calculates the sensitivity for a constant 2D movement (point A to point B on the monitor), regardless of FOV. At the moment it only converts from the desktop sensitivity to game sensitivity, but I will add the option to calculate from game to game later. Some people prefer a constant 360 degree movement, some a fixed 2D movement.
  18. Toxikk had the wrong FOV base in the formula, terribly sorry about that! Fixed now, try calculating again
  19. Here you go!
  20. A little late to the party, but here it is! The issue with slow mouse movement and acceleration threw me off a little bit, but I decided to just ignore it.
  21. A little late to the party, but here it is! The issue with slow mouse movement and acceleration threw me off a little bit, but I decided to just ignore it.
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