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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Fixed it now so it rounds to 6 decimals
  2. I had CS:GO round the sensitivity to the nearest 4 decimal for some reason, but I fixed it to 6 decimals now
  3. This is actually not a bug, but partly by design. CS:GO only supports 4 decimals when configuring sensitivity, so the calculator rounds the output to the nearest 4 decimal number. I did have a limit on how many decimals you could enter in the input based on the selected game earlier, but removed it because it caused some issues. If CS:GO do support more than 4 decimals I need to update it though.
  4. Yes, I want to do this as a dedicated calculator, so I can include lots of variables. No timeframe though, but it is in the works.
  5. There is no magic formula for this unfortunately, but I plan to add an update that guides you a little bit.
  6. It doesn't, but if you change the resolution in the Windows portion of the calculator, you change the whole premises for the calculation.
  7. If you use the convert function, you need the enter the sensitivity value from the config file, not the distance. If you want to calculate the correct sensitivity value for a specific distance, use the the distance calculator
  8. IIRC when I tested it, changing the "fDefaultFOV" did nothing, while adding the "fDefaultWorldFOV" to the file did in fact change the FOV. I'm not quite sure of the relation and how they work.
  9. When you don't use raw mouseinput, the sensitivity in most Source based games is really inaccurate. And when you do use raw mouseinput the windows sensitivity is ignored by the game, so it is disabled in the calculator as well.
  10. That is correct (check the notes). The calculator doesn't support FOV multipliers as of now, I need to update it.
  11. I will retest it!
  12. Indeed, maybe I can add it as a feature, I'll look into it, but it is as easy as DPI/OldHorizontalRes*NewHorizontalRes=NewDPI
  13. It will come, not so high priority on old games tough
  14. I will check it.
  15. On vacation now, but will look into it when I get back.
  16. There's probably been a game update that renders the instructions invalid, I will check it now!
  17. When you use the desktop calculator, the sensitivity is calculated based on the Windows settings. So in Windows: 1280x720 and 500 DPI = 2.56 inches to move the mouse from edge to edge (1280/500) 1920x1080 and 500 DPI = 3.84 inches to move the mouse from edge to edge (1920/500) When you convert these two inputs to 1280x720 @500 DPI in CS:GO, you will get different results since the input distance is different. Makes sense? Also, it's the game resolution that is important, regardless of windowed or fullscreen.
  18. Sensitivity is usually not affected by resolution. Regardless of resolution, your 360 distance stays the same, but aspect ratio can affect it. As long as both monitors are 16:9, you shouldn't need to change anything. Do note that while the sensitivity does not change, it might feel different due to the bigger monitor.
  19. That is because the HFOV is displaying the 4:3 FOV. If you are using a monitor with widescreen 16:9 resolution, the FOV is expanded to the wider areas, effectively increasing it from 90 to 106.26.
  20. If you want the same FOV, you need to match the horizontal values. So it should be like this:
  21. Dinoriders! Pay attention to the FOV settings, as a multiplier is used, and not the usual degrees or radians. View full update
  22. Dinoriders! Pay attention to the FOV settings, as a multiplier is used, and not the usual degrees or radians.
  23. Requested quite a lot actually, and I plan to do this.
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