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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. The problem I had when I analyzed this game the last time was that it didn't have a sensitivity number anywhere, just a slider and some hex values in the registry. Did they fix this? If so, it's easy to add!
  2. Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV View full update
  3. DPI Wizard

    Fallout 4

    Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV
  4. Fallout 4 will be added ASAP!
  5. With 16:9 resolution: If you configure 91.5 in the config file you get about 90.078. If you play with any other aspect ratio, the FOV is different. I'm doing some in-depth analysis of the FOV, will post more info later
  6. FPS does not affect sensitivity at all, tried everything from 40 to 200 FPS with and without sync with the same results. FOV is truly a mess though, so calculations are only correct for 16:9 for now.
  7. Are you entering the configured sensitivity for BF4 in the New Game section? A couple of things to remember with scope sensitivities: 1. You cannot match a hipfire sensitivity to say a sniper scope in terms of 360 rotation. That would make no sense, and make the sniper scope way to sensitivity. 2. The primary objective of the scope sensitivity calculations is to match similar scopes, or to fine-tune your setting. That being said, there is a need to update the FOV part of the BF4 scopes, so it works correctly in desktop mode.
  8. When I know the exact counts for a 360 degree rotation, I can easily measure how many counts it takes to rotate so that the right edge of the screen is aligned with the left edge. In other words how many counts it takes to cover the entire field of view. Correct, use the FOV you have configured in-game. I have used default settings so far, and not done any FPS specific tests, but I will do that right now.
  9. Did some more tuning to the formulas, it's now over 99.5% accurate unless you go below 70 FOV or above 115 FOV where it is around 98% accurate. At 80 it's still 100% accurate.
  10. When set to FOV 100, the real FOV is about 98.97, so at FOV 101 it's 99.69.
  11. Hold on, I'll check now.
  12. It's updated now, but they messed up the FOV I think. When you set it to 80, it's actually 78.26. 65 is 62.9, 120 is 113.68. So this makes accurate calculations with different FOV's than default pretty much impossible, but it's not far off.
  13. They changed a lot since the beta, working on this now. Calculations are not accurate atm!
  14. I will check it, downloading now. But I won't be able to test until tomorrow, so I've removed the FOV affect for now.
  15. Added. View full update
  16. Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide will be added today
  17. This is awesome! Will test it a bit later
  18. You are most welcome You can buy a gift vocher here (just send it to yourself). It's the same as donating, but you get a code that can be used to buy subscriptions if you like. Cheers!
  19. Aha, you're entering it in-game This value was for the file. For in-game it is 1.579191 One note though, I haven't analyzed UT4 for many months, they may have updated something regarding the sensitivity. If it's still way off, let me know, and I'll re-analyze it
  20. If you give me the details you put in, I can do an offline calculation for you right now A screenshot of the calculator is enough.
  21. Will be fixed in the next big update! 1-2 weeks
  22. I will make it work with FOV in the next big update
  23. This. And just added it anyway
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