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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Final addition of the day
  2. Bump! This is added!
  3. Bump! This is added!
  4. Bump! This is added!
  5. Sorry, missed it. Added now
  6. Everybody hurts? View full update
  7. DPI Wizard


    Everybody hurts?
  8. Tried everything with this game now, but there is way too much acceleration, so it will be impossible to add unless there's a fix.
  9. Verdun added now!
  10. Finally got this game correct! View full update
  11. DPI Wizard


    Finally got this game correct!
  12. Absolutely, just do like this
  13. Looked at The Forest now, and until they add a numeric value to the sensitivity-slider, I can't add it
  14. Didn't make the closed beta, but will make sure I manage to add it during the open beta!
  15. The new Tomb Raider added. View full update
  16. Found an error, the FOV part of the calculation used horizontal instead of vertical degrees. Fixed it, so the calculations are correct now
  17. Just checked the game now in case they changed something in the beta, but it's still the same, so the calculations should be correct. Are you playing with the default FOV 80?
  18. I'm working on this, but there is some variable acceleration present, so it's really hard to make accurate calculations. Will do! Will do! Where can I get a beta key?
  19. Yes it works, and the file is updated when you exit the game It's actually not tilde for me neither (not using a US keyboard), but that's what it is default configured as in the ini file. With a US keyboard it should be tilde.
  20. Seems like you have to change it in-game now, but you can use the console to enter more decimals than in the menus. I've updated the calculator.
  21. Lazy programming by Dice In-game shows the HFOV for 4:3 resolution, which is correctly 106.26 . But for 16:9 it is 121.28. See for yourself, if you change from 16:9 to 4:3 resolution, the HFOV does not change, which it must when using the same vertical FOV.
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