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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Many requests I see! I mainly update brokes games at this time, since I'm busy developing the new calculator mode, but I'll add this game if I get a login! Cheers
  2. This game was analyzed on version 1.04, updating to 1.22 now to see if anything changed!
  3. Thanks for the heads up, I've updated it now. They have finally fixed acceleration Make sure to enter your configured FOV as you see it in-game, as it affect sensitivity.
  4. You can, that's one of the main points of the calculator. The DPI field of the convert to section is copied from the convert from game if you don't enter anything. But you can just overwrite it
  5. Only horizontal for now, I'll look into adding a calculation for the vertical movement in the output.
  6. EDIT: It's varies a lot between 30 and 50 depending on other settings it seems.
  7. I don't think it's quite that simple actually... What sensitivity and DPI do you use in CSGO and Overwatch? And where do you want to match the scoped sensitivity (0-100% between crosshair and screen edge)? I'll type it into the calculator in development
  8. I'm almost done with a new calculator mode that does this for you. It will let you choose where you want to match the sensitivity in 5% steps. 0% is at the crosshair, 50% is halfway between the crosshair and the edge of the screen, and 100% is at the edge. For Overwatch and Widowmaker it will look like this (PS! This is not released yet!): 0%: 50%: 100%:
  9. I'm actually pretty much done with this now! I just need to test it thoroughly, and beautify the output etc.
  10. Note that you have several options for the Aim on Rainbow Six Siege. Both regular and simple calculations for both Hipfire and Iron sight. If you select the simple calculations it is assumed that you haven't modified any values in the config file, but these calculations are less accurate. For the regular calculation, you need to enter values already in the config file for the calculation to work.
  11. Make sure you select the correct Aim for UT4, you have a choice between calculation for entering the sensitivity in-game or directly in the config file. And there has been some changes to the UT4 calculations.
  12. There, I've added support for credit cards, just select it at the check out. But only for annual and triennial though Cheers!
  13. There's unfortunately some limitations in the framework that makes Paypal the only viable automatic option. But I'll see if I can add another option like Stripe.
  14. The problem is that you'll get some serious negative acceleration, especially below 1. The 360 rotation can vary up to triple or so the distance depending on how fast you move the mouse. At sensitivity 1 it seems relatively OK however.
  15. Oh man, they really messed it up now. Acceleration and smoothing is all over the place even when they are set to 0. Set the sensitivity to 3 and it's really jerky, set it to 0.1 and it's sluggish as hell. It's currently not possible to make accurate calculations at all, so until it is updated it's unusable.
  16. Just added. View full update
  17. I'll try to get it done by the end of June, but I'm not sure how long it will take. I'll update you when I get a feeling on how long it will take
  18. Updated them both now
  19. This game is now updated!
  20. Just added! View full update
  21. Just checked it now, and it's the same as before
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