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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  2. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
  3. The sensitivity slider in this game lacks any numerical value or notches, so it can't be added.
  4. There's just a slider with no numerical values in this game, so it can't be added.
  5. There's a huge amount of negative acceleration / packet loss in this game, so it can't be added.
  6. There's a huge amount of negative acceleration / packet loss in this game, so it can't be added.
  7. Does this game have a first or third person mouse controlled view?
  8. What is your current settings and resolution?
  9. I have looked into this, and actually developed accurate measuring tools for it. But I ran into a problem pretty quickly in that very few games offer full control over the settings like for instance Apex Legends does: Ideally I would like to make a tool that perfectly replicates every single fine adjustment you do with the joystick, but most games has just one slider so that's pretty much impossible. It would likely be possible to match the time/360 for 100% however, I will take a closer look at this at some point
  10. DPI Wizard


    Games added Xotic Zeno Clash Zeno Clash 2 Games updated HAWKED - Added aim sensitivity.
  11. These three are added.
  12. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  13. DPI Wizard

    Zeno Clash 2

    See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
  14. See the FOV notes for instructions on how to change FOV. View full update
  15. DPI Wizard

    Zeno Clash

    See the FOV notes for instructions on how to change FOV.
  16. I've only tested the sensitivity (which is still accurate despite these issues), but the game seems pretty poorly optimized from what I've seen. Delay and stutter all over the place. I don't know if there's a magical setting to solve it, but with the default settings it runs like crap.
  17. Absolutely, the path after the game folder for Evolved is different (WindowsNoEditor instead of Windows), and I just tested that the config change actually makes a difference: However, if your folder is empty it's most likely reading and writing to a different folder for some reason. It might be under %LOCALAPPDATA%, but unfortunately I have no way of finding the path without having the issue myself. The only "known" path is under the game folder, as also listed here.
  18. Hey! Answer is here It is always shown for ADS and scopes in advanced mode. And the original suggestion is here, but it doesn't contain any math regarding how it's calculated.
  19. Are you adding it to the bottom the file? It should look about like this:
  20. Yes, I've added instructions now.
  21. Just added! View full update
  22. DPI Wizard


    Just added!
  23. Have you changed the settings in-game as the notes say? This should create the file and the parameters within it.
  24. I've managed to add all the aims now. It is off by 0.1% in some cases, but the slider is not accurate either so it doesn't make much of a difference
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